2013年8月20日 星期二

美國式庭園的規畫 (2)

美國式庭園的規畫 (2)

Garden Planning in American Style

  Toys need a home. 玩具須要有儲藏室

Kids shouldn’t be going in and out of a shed that stores fertilizers or weed killer, so consider a small plastic shed in the side yard, out of the way, for their toys.  Or stash the toys in benches that open up with storage.  When you provide a designated spot for toys, kids are more inclined to clean up after themselves.


  Make a tool ‘Box’. 造一個可以放工具的盒子

I like to find an old mailbox and paint it as funky as I want.  Then I put it in the middle of the garden, and use it to stash little garden tools (pruners, snips, and gloves).  It’s so cool because it adds a pop of color and provides storage.

我喜歡找一個舊信箱,把它漆成我喜歡的土壤顏色,然後放置於花園中央,用它來存放小的花園工具 (如修剪刀、小剪刀、手套) 。因為它增加突出的色澤,也提供儲放的空間,所以變得很酷。

  Plant like a pro 像個老手開始種東西

For high impact with urns or planters, think “thrillers, filler, and spiller.” First the thriller: a large showpiece, like a tall spiky plant.  Then fillers: a few with blooms and foliage, like bright annuals.  Then a variety that grows down the sides (the spiller), like a licorice plant.  The end result is very professional looking.


Add a water feature增加水的特點

If you live next to a noisy area-traffic, trains, pedestrian chatter- a water feature can help drown the racket. To make your own fountain, install a pump kit from a nursery or a big-box store in about a 4-foot-tall urn (the brighter the color, the better) Add a bubblers, and you have a fountain. The best spot for it? The middle of the garden, so that in the winter when everything is drab and gray, your garden will still have color.

如果您住在吵雜地區附近,交通量大,有火車噪音、行人吵雜聲等,一種水聲的特點可以降低噪音。要造一個小噴泉,從苗圃園買一套幫浦用具,或五金店買一四呎高的甕盆(顏色愈鮮艷愈好) ,再加一個泡沫器,您就可以造成一個噴泉了。最好的地點呢? 是花園的中央,當冬天一切花木呈現灰色單調時,您的花園仍五的繽紛。

 Conserve water  儲備水

Put in irrigation to target-water specific plants.  It will lower your water bill and reduce weeds.

  Make it edible 種些可以食用的植物

People used to create separate planting beds for produce, but the trend now is to scatter them throughout the yard.  You can do this with tomato plants, citrus trees, berry vines, Swiss chard (which is delicious and has nice colors).  It’s also an option with herbs like thyme, oregano and rosemary, which have the added benefit of smelling great.



Justin Lai 譯述



