2013年8月15日 星期四

猶太人最有名的10句話 (1)

猶太人最有名的10句話每一句都值得細細品味 (1)

Ten of Most Famous Sayings of the Jewish People

1、    一杯清水因滴入一滴污水而變污濁, 一杯污水卻不會因一滴清水的存在而變清澈。

英譯A glass of clear water will become tainted because of a drop of soiled water; a glass of soiled water will not become clear and transparent because of a drop of clear water.

【評】:中國古詩『一點清油汚白衣,斑斑駁駁使人疑,縱饒洗遍千江水,争似當初不污時』。又近者赤,近墨者黑。似乎純潔難求(Being flawless is hardly acquired)

2、    這世上有三樣東西是別人搶不走的:一是吃進胃裡的食物,二是藏在心中的夢想,三是讀進大腦的書。

英譯There are three things in the world that cannot be deprived of: one is food digested; another is dreams buried in the heart; the third is the books read.

【評】:英國哲學家Francis Bacon說;書有三種,some books are to be chewed; others are to be swallowed; and the rest are to be digested. (第一種是口中咀嚼;第二種是已吞下的;第三種是被消化的) 。因此被消化的書即等於被吸收並進了大腦。原文除前一種是有形外,後兩種皆為無形的,取不走,拿不掉的。全世界也只有史(達林) (澤東) 兩位才敢夢想給人民洗腦 (brain washing) 或思想改造。

3、    馬在鬆軟的土地上易失蹄,人在甜言蜜語中易摔跤。

英譯Horse are prone to lose balance on soft and loose ground; people are apt to be cheated by smooth and sweet language.
【評】:在好的環境中,人易失去戒心 (lose vigilance) 而吃虧。中國人用『花言巧語』或『甜言蜜語』來迷惑人。Man needs challenge in life.

4、    世界沒有悲劇和喜劇之分,如果你能從悲劇中走出來,那就是喜劇,如果你沉緬於喜劇之中,那它就是悲劇。

英譯In the world there is no difference between tragedy and comedy. If you could manage to get out of a tragedy, it is comedy. If you keeps indulging in a comedy, then it will be a tragedy.


5、    如果不讀書,行萬里路也不過是個郵差。

英譯If you do not do some reading, you are no more than a messenger travelling thousands of miles for others.

【評】:中國人所謂『讀萬卷書,行萬里』乃意謂除獲書本的知識外,要身體力行。但猶太人可能誤解原意。按:郵差(mailmanpostman) 乃千里跋涉為人送書或信而已。(未完)


Justin Lai 譯評



