2013年8月16日 星期五


猶太人最有名的10句話每一句都值得細細品味 (2)

 Ten of Most Famous Sayings of the Jewish People

1、    當你的鄰居在深夜兩點彈鋼琴時你別氣惱,你可以在四點鐘時叫醒他,並告訴他你很欣賞他的演奏。

英譯Never get upset when you are disturbed at two o’clock in the morning by your neighbor’s playing the piano. You could wake him up at four, telling him that you really appreciate his playing.

【評】:以『其人之道還治其人』。西諺, “Do not get mad; get even.” 別動怒,報復就好了』。台灣人有無理的忍受別人無理騷擾的『雅量』,例如隣居婚喪喜慶要强迫別人『與君同哀或同樂』幾天。

2、    如果你只是等待,發生的事情只會是你變老了。

英譯If you keep waiting, those things to be happening only make you grow old.

【評】:勸人及早『因應行動』,空等無益,別賠掉時間的損失,因為一覺醒來已是百年身,歲月不待人。(Time and tide wait for no men.)

3、    真正的朋友不是在一起有聊不完的話,而是即使不說一句話也不覺得尷尬。

英譯True friendship does not mean endless bull sessions. It rather means even sheer silence won’t embarrass good friends.

【評】:Idle talking is insincere. 空談並非真誠行為。Sincerity between friends is above everything else. 朋友真誠相待高於一切。

4、    時間是治療心靈創傷的大師,但絕不是解決問題的高手。

英譯Time is a master healing spiritual wounds; it is by no means an expert in solving problems.

【評】:Time makes people forget a bitter remembrance, but it never solves the problem at all, because it still exists. 時間使人忘記痛苦的事,但它並未解決問題。We’d better not avoid the problem, but face it and solve it. 我們不應逃避問題,而應面對它,並解决它。

5、    寧願做過了後悔,也不要錯過了後悔。

英譯We would rather regret what we have done than repent of what we have not done.

【評】:中國人說,『前事不忘,後事之師』-“Experience is the best teacher.” 原文前半句强調,已做過的事即使對或未成功,總是歷經經騐一樁,本人已盡力:I have done my best at least。後半句意謂,錯失一件事,也許錯過一次成功的機會,所謂 “Something missed is something lost.”




Justin Lai 譯評



