2016年10月31日 星期一

Which One Wins-鹿死誰手?

Which One Wins-鹿死誰手?
- (聯邦調查局的新調查對最後選情的衝擊)


The US general election campaign is drawing to a close until Nov. 8, 2016. Different polls on the development of presidential election of either candidate keeps voters bewildered or undecided.   It seems most of them are in favor of Hilary Clinton, probably with 3-8 % lead. 

All of a sudden, on Oct. 28, James Comey, the FBI director shocked the whole world, not US alone by announcing that FBI discovered some new e-mail linked to Hilary’s private e-mail server. And FBI might release the new discovery to the Congress  The breaking news really shocked both candidates.  The Trump Camp applauded at what FBI is doing, exclaiming with joy that “Justice finally comes.” while Clinton camp felt disgusted and strongly demands the FBI release all mail at one time shot.  Should the release be made public day by day or piece by piece, it would certainly kill Hilary.

「james comey」的圖片搜尋結果

Now most of voters’ attention is centered on the probability that FBI’s new release will have an overwhelming and adverse impact on the election.  Given the fact that Trump is gaining favor in states and in some swing states too, Hilary Clinton’s leading, by contrast seems to be standing still.  Will FBI’s announcement and subsequent reaction change the status quo of the campaign?

Since October, it is widely acknowledged that Hilary Clinton  stands more chances to be elected.  Now came the FBI ‘bombshell’ which might completely alter the outcome of the coming election.  Here are some scenarios to be expecting:

1)     Notwithstanding Clinton camp’s strong protest, the FBI keeps digging out more e-mail discovery. This will or may influence the decision of major Democrat supporters, especially those belonging to well-educated voters. Overall, this is likely to make Democrats lose the election. (聯調局一意孤行)
「hillary clinton」的圖片搜尋結果

2)     James Comey, the FBI director halts and discontinues further action of probing into the Clinton’s email and her relation to the case. And then the Clinton’s victory is in sight. Nothing is reversible. And Republicans are losers. (聯調局停止調查)
「donald trump」的圖片搜尋結果

3) Per Republicans’ reaction to renew probing of Hilary’s e-mail issues, James Comey will be pressed to go on. And as October miracle repeats itself in history, Trump wins the election, to the contrary.

4) For personal political interest, should Trump win, James Comey perhaps will benefit by being endowed with a political favor by Trump.  He may be promoted to be Secretary General of Justice.  But if Clinton is not affected by the re-opening of the email case, Clinton is elected.  To be sure, she will not by any means appoint James Comey as any important government official. Because he really gives her a hard time. If you were Hilary, what would you do?

Based on what is learned from mass media, James Comey is not a very strong-willed person.  In July’s testimony at Congress, he already made it clear FBI was not to indict Hilary Clinton.  FBI decided to give up doing anything against Hilary. Why did he claim now that he has a new discovery just right several days before the election?  This is against law- and it is regarded as violating Hatch Act by some lawyer though some others may think otherwise. With only few days in power, the Obama administration still has the authority to exercise to interfere in the FBI’s motive to go on. If there should be nothing new coming out from FBI's reopening the investigation, then FBI will be to blame for the obstruction of the election campaign. FBI is making a fool of itself.

Therefore, we have every reason to believe at this critical moment that James Comey and his FBI do play a key role in the election result. If he insists on keeping Congress informed of latest development, including Hilary’s chief aid-Huma Abedin’s ex-husband, Rep. Weiner, who is under FBI investigation for sexual correspondence with a teen-age girl, then Democrats’ prevailing stance will be gone.

Ever since election campaign, US voters have been bombarded by news media with pros and cons of information about either candidate.  Now it’s time for them to know whether their choice is in their favor or not in less than a week.  However, it may be some people’s shrewd viewpoints that neither of the candidates is qualified; one is lacking in administrative experience, having prejudice against women, and full of shit, while the other is and will be too busy procuring her riches (corrupt) to “work every single day for Americans.” (as claimed by her). Judging the Clintons filing bankruptcy in 2000 when Bill Clinton left White House, and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton recently bought a new apartment at $5.5 million, some voters actually have difficulty believing the Clintons are a family of decency.

God bless America!

Written By Justin Lai (寫於美國南加州)


2016年10月30日 星期日

思鄉情懷 (Nostalgia)

思鄉情懷 (Nostalgia)

漢語『故鄉』一詞,世界華人通用,英語叫hometownhomeland, 日語叫ふるさと(hu-ru sa-to) 。但何謂故鄉依時間發生順序,應是指出生地、成長地、或終老地。至於持續時間之長短,很難訂出誰長,孰短例如有人出生於中國大陸,八、九歲去台灣,並受國小及中、大學教育,然後赴() 美國深造、就業、退休養老,雖落葉但不歸根。那麼何處才算故鄉? 中國台灣美國?

Antonín Dvořák (德弗札克)- 捷克作曲家(Czech composer) 19世紀所寫-「新世界交響曲」的第二樂章,由英國管唱出的著名哀怨旋律,也曾由我國聲樂家李抱忱先生將其填詞改編成合唱曲「念故鄉」,而此樂章的中譯也使用此名稱。. 是中國與台灣小學或中學音樂課,必學的一首名曲。Dvořák可能原屬吉普賽人,過著Bohemia(波希米亞) 的流浪生活,故曲風,極富民俗意味。中文譯詞平易親切,沒有唱聲,而以卡拉OK方式,用熟悉的樂器聲音,配合故鄉背景,詮釋思鄉心情,讓我們一同感受那悠揚與哀傷編織而成的樂音

                                     在故鄉一條龍? 在他鄉一孤客,寂寞又淒涼.....

另外1970年代英國pop musician(流行歌唱家-Tom Jones,唱了一首『返鄉曲』-“Green Green Grass of Home” (綠草如茵的老家) ,歌詞略謂:『老父母來火車站迎接我返鄉,還有青梅竹馬戀人-瑪莉也來盛迎我的歸來,接觸到老家綠地感覺很好,老屋與老樹仍在,雖然油漆脫落,與舊日戀人挽手散步,然後我突然醒來,發現僅是美夢一場…. 』。詞句濃郁思鄉之情,深以非真實而感黯然神傷。歌詞內容涵蓋一切,故鄉人、物、情、景俱備。

                                                                                                          the  old house still  standing.....

日本人也有一首思鄉曲叫『赤い夕陽の故郷』-作曲者,中野忠晴先生,在1950-60年代,台語情歌作曲家-愁人先生將其意譯為台灣話『黄昏的故鄉』,由文夏先生主唱,歌詞略謂,『黄昏的故鄉頻頻呼叫我,苦命男兒猶如孤苦伶丁的度鳥(migrating bird) ,無論在他鄉或故鄉,總是呼叫著我,故鄉山情景令人懷念,含淚水的呼叫聲,一直不停,我思慕之心,只有寄托白雲帶給家中的老母(原文:雲よいくならおふくろさんにおもいおせめて. 』這是極為優美的詞句。

上曲在台灣戒嚴時期,頗受青年歌迷歡迎,但竟影響一些軍中的台灣籍充員戰士的思鄉情緒,有些阿兵歌半夜結夥『開小差』(軍隊術語-不假而別) ,當然嚴重違背兵役法,被抓回加重刑罰。台灣國防部「防不勝防」,遂下令『禁唱』此歌,以遏止逃兵風潮,但也增加白色恐怖的另一樁笑話。



朋友,若你有家(或鄉) 歸不得呢謹此奉勸一句把他鄉當故鄉吧』!


Justin Lai


2016年10月29日 星期六



「癌症末期」的圖片搜尋結果 從外貌看蘋果Steve Jobs癌症腫瘤之变化


【各位朋友,俗謂『小病不醫,大病難防』。人體具有自然免疫抗體(auto-immune) ,當免疫系統失調即為疾病的入侵,也是病氣與病毒之開始。但一有小病症狀就吃藥、打針,等於扼殺免疫能力,尤其濫用抗生素(antibiotic) 。好的醫師叫你先從增強本身抗體(antibody) 做起,差一點的醫師,叫你趕快吃藥打針,消滅本身的抗體……或許因此助長癌細胞的滋生與成長。讀完這篇文章,以後請慎選醫師,不要再隨便去打針吃藥了,下列每一個病症階段 (stages of symptoms)都有身體的深層意義

1 打噴嚏:(sneezing)

2 咳嗽:(coughing)
3 乏力沒有食慾(fatigue & loss of appetite)
4 發燒(fever)
這表示病原菌進入了血液系統,身體就啟動免疫力,表現為發燒,要將病原菌燒死,當溫度升高到38 .5C (102-3度F.)時,免疫力會增加一倍,溫度升到40度,大部份病毒將被燒死,此時只要喝足夠的水,人體永遠不會燒出問題,如果此時打退燒針吃退燒藥卻反而幫了病毒的忙於是身體進入第五個階段。
5 過敏(allergy)
6 發炎(inflammation)
7 潰瘍(ulcer)
8 纖維化(fibrillation)
9 腫瘤化(oncology)
細胞為了適應新的環境,只有突變,於是累積成腫瘤,腫瘤細胞是在嚴重缺水、缺氧、缺營養的情況下才會形成從一個腫瘤細胞發展到綠豆大小需要10 -15年,而從綠豆大小發展成雞蛋大小只需要1年,因此癌症的潛伏期最少需要10-15年的時間


10. 死亡: (death)


(Cancer deaths are inevitable while chemotherapy might prolong a patient’s survival rate.)

「cancer death」的圖片搜尋結果

你瞭解了罷,從「打噴嚏」到「腫瘤化」的九個階段中,每一個階段,我們只要只要聽聽身體的聲音,多喝水、多休息、給足細胞所需的營養,身體就會自己去修復,我們才可以優雅的老去(passing away gracefully)而不會被病痛折磨至死,如果在任何一個階段吃藥,反而幫了『病毒』(virus)的忙。

目前中國有85%的人死於慢性病,而每個慢性病的病人有13年被慢性病折磨,在台灣每分鐘就有6個人被確診為癌症、10秒就有一人死於癌症5個人中就有一個人患有心腦血管疾病、每12秒就有一人因心腦血管疾病而倒下、每分鐘就會增加7名新的糖尿病患者..... .



There has been no special cure, or panacea as yet, for cancer. It is incurable.


以上所述絕非危言聳聽,乃純屬一般病理(pathology)學的看法,僅供讀者参考,並非腫瘤科專家(oncologist)之意見。有病應請教醫生,It is your health!  


10/29/2016 修訂

Justin Lai  選輯