2013年7月25日 星期四



Sunrise, Sunset

(Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset)

Is this the little girl I carried? 

Is this the little boy at play? 

I dont remember growing older
When did they? 

When did she get to be a beauty? 

When did he grow to be so tall? 

Was'nt it yesterday when they were small? 

Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset

Swiftly flow the days

Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers

Blossoming even as they gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

What words of wisdom can I give them?
How can I help to ease their way?
Now they must learn from one another
Day by day

They look so natural together
Just like two newlyweds should be
Is there a canopy in store for me?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset

Swiftly fly the years

One season following another

Laden with happiness and tears
One season following another

Laden with happiness and tears
(Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset)

