2013年7月9日 星期二

有七百位醫生所開的處方可能有害 (2)

Report: 700 doctors wrote possibly harmful Medicare prescriptions
據報導有七百位醫生所開的健保處方可能有害 (2)

The cost to the government was enormous in some instances. Medicare paid $9.7 million for the prescriptions of one California doctor alone — that is 151 times more than the cost of an average doctor’s tally, the report says.


Most of this physician’s drugs were supplied by two pharmacies, both of which the inspector general had identified previously as having questionable billing practices.


All told, the drugs ordered by the doctors labeled extreme outliers cost Medicare $352 million, the report says.


Although some of this may have been appropriate, the report says, “prescribing high amounts on any of these measures may indicate that a physician is prescribing drugs which are not medically necessary or that he or she has an inappropriate incentive, such as a kickback, to order certain drugs.”


Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.), the ranking Republican on Carper’s committee, said no one wants Medicare to tell doctors which drugs to prescribe. But the government does have a responsibility in preventing fraud and abuse, he said.

奧克拉荷馬州選出的参議員Tom Coburn,他是在卡波委員會裡居領導地位的共和黨黨員,他說,沒有人要健保局告訴醫生該開什麽藥。但政府的確有責任防止醫師的欺騙與濫用醫師的權利

Medicare officials “should be using their data to make sure those practicing medicine are practicing medicine and not practicing a sham,” said Coburn, who is an obstetrician.


The inspector general’s report calls on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees the program, to step up scrutiny of doctors with questionable prescribing patterns. It urged CMS to direct its fraud contractor to expand its analysis of prescribers and train the private insurers that administer Part D on how to spot problem prescribers.

檢查長的報告請求CMS (專門負責監管此計劃的健保局與健康補助局中心) 設立對具有可疑處方型式的醫師,進行詳察的工作。報告鼓勵CMS指導它偵查欺騙行為的包商,來擴大分析處方者,並訓練執行Part D (藥物保險) 的私人保險公司,如何來偵查有問題的處方者。

Medicare also should send doctors report cards comparing their prescribing to that of their peers, the report says.


In a response to the inspector general, the Medicare agency wrote that it agrees with the recommendations, has been working to reduce overuse of narcotics and plans to expand its use of data to flag questionable prescribing.



“We must balance these efforts with ensuring that beneficiaries have access to the medicines they need,” a CMS spokesman said Wednesday in a statement.


For its investigation, ProPublica analyzed four years of Medicare prescription drug data and examined the prescriptions of all health professionals across specialties. It looked at all prescribers — 1.7 million in 2010 alone — not just those in general-care specialties or mostly urban areas.


The new report from the inspector general is the latest to find oversight problems in Part D. Previous reports found that insurers have paid for prescriptions from doctors who were barred by Medicare or whose identities were unknown to insurers or Medicare.

由檢查長所提出的新報告是,最新的發現,找到了在藥品保險Part D項中的被監督的問題。以前的報告發現,保險業者為被未受健保局所採用的醫生,所開的處方支付了費用,而這些醫生的身份保險業者或健保局均不認識。

Coburn said Medicare has been warned repeatedly that it was not properly overseeing the program.


“This is incompetency and lack of somebody being held accountable,” he said. “It’s fixable.”



Justin Lai, 07/06/2013






