2013年7月8日 星期一

據報導:有七百位醫生所開的處方可能有害 (1)

Report: 700 doctors wrote possibly harmful Medicare prescriptions
據報導有七百位醫生所開的健保處方可能有害 (1)

More than 700 doctors nationwide wrote prescriptions for elderly and disabled patients in highly questionable and potentially harmful ways, according to a report of Medicare’s drug program released Thursday.


The review by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services flags those doctors as “very extreme” in their prescribing and says Medicare should do more to investigate or stop them.


The study mirrors a ProPublica investigation published in The Washington Post last month. That report found that Medicare ()had not protected patients from doctors and other health-care professionals prescribing large quantities of potentially harmful, disorienting or addictive drugs.

() 美國人一般民眾須年滿65歲退休人員,才能加入。


Medicare’s prescription drug program was started in 2006 and accounts for about one of every four drugs dispensed nationwide. Last year, the government spent $62 billion subsidizing the drugs of 32 million people.


“Strong oversight of the Medicare prescription drug program is critical for protecting patients from harm,” Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.) said in an e-mail.

民主黨(德拉瓦州選出)参議員Thomas Carpere-mail中說,『健保局强而有力的監督健保局的藥物計劃,對保護患者不受傷害是十分重要的』

Carper chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has scheduled a hearing Monday about prescription abuse in the Medicare program, known as Part D.

卡波参議員是,参院國土安全局政府部們委員會的召集人,該委員會已經訂於星期一開公聽會,討論有關又稱Part D (處方藥品保險) 健保局關濫開處方之事。

The inspector general’s report focused on the prescribing by nearly 87,000 general-care physicians, such as family practitioners and internists, in urban and suburban areas in 2009. These doctors accounted for about half of all the prescribing in the program that year.


 The review found more than 2,200 doctors whose records stood out in one of several areas: prescriptions per patient, brand-name drugs, painkillers and other addictive drugs, or the number of pharmacies that dispensed their orders.

 這份調查發現,超過2,200位醫師的記錄,在下列若干項中有一項中很突出:每位病人的處方中都有名牌藥品() 止痛藥和其他會成癮的藥品、或配方調劑的藥局數目

() brand-name drugs指有品牌的藥品,價格較高;另一種為generic 普通 (成份相同,藥名不同但售價較亷) 藥品-美國國內的Rite-aid便利商店均販售這種葯,如Voltaren (服他寧) 止痛劑,其generic 名稱為Diclofenac

Of those, 736 were flagged as “extreme outliers.” Their patterns, the report says, raised questions about whether the prescriptions were “legitimate or necessary.”


For instance, 24 doctors wrote more than 400 prescriptions for at least one patient, including refills dispensed. One Ohio physician did so more than a dozen times, according to the report. The average doctor wrote 13 per patient.


In another case, an Illinois doctor had prescriptions filled by 872 pharmacies in 47 states and Guam. General-care doctors, on average, had prescriptions for all their Medicare patients filled by 52 pharmacies.


Justin Lai, 07/06/2013




