2013年6月13日 星期四




   There are other people who do not take everything at what a fortune-teller says. They are not necessarily dubious or credulous; they are just being sensible enough to re-evaluate and discern with an open mind between what he really is and what a situation is, before making any decision. Those nice things said about him are cheerfully adopted, of course, whereas those misfortunes foretold may be avoided or discarded as nonsensical.  Sometimes an obstacle, a blocking force or set-backs may be turned into a stepping stone (who knows) if properly managed, cautiously treated, and with adequate confidence and patience.


   Basically, there are two kinds of “fortune-tellers”. One is I’ll-do-it-for-fame -or-money, the so-called professionals; the other is I-do- this-because-it-gives-me-pleasure, or the amateurs. Whichever group they belong in, the former are more businesspeople-like, sometimes, mixing his foretelling with some sort of mild threat, misleading, bluffing, or coaxing people into believing his untrue prophecy; the latter, outnumbered are more sincere, conservative, stressing the importance of theoretic concept, and appealing to more people. In the long run, it is increasingly difficult nowadays for us to tell charlatans from honest fortune-tellers.


     We, ordinary people are lived by drives we cannot command. It is inevitable that we meet with unforeseeable challenges in life from time to time. (with the exception of those who are born with silver spoons in their mouths). Therefore, with courage and determination to meet our difficulty and adversity, which most men can stand; will justify our end in life.

    我們所無法掌控的推動力,使我們一般凡人活了下來。人生三不五時,無可避免地會遭遇到無法預測的挑戰。(例外的是生下來就含金湯匙的人-富貴子弟) 。所以,憑藉氣與決心來面對困難,那麼大多人都能忍受的逆境,就會証明我們人生的目的是正當的。

     Consulting a fortune-teller plays an important part in our life. But some people still can survive and live very happily without having to visit one.  As long as one is looking back on his past, making necessary corrections in what he has done, and looking forward with pleasure to his future, his life may be as productive, fruitful, and colorful as he is expecting.  However, indulging with fantasy in the belief in what a fortune-teller foretells may not be a remedy for one’s fault or wrong-doing.

Building a castle in the air or intoxicating oneself in a fortune-telling that riches are at hand and that good fortunes are awaiting- is futile, impractical, a delusion or day-dreaming.  If you are just sitting and waiting all the time, as some people frequently do, Fortune might pass by you with her cold shoulders.

    請教看命師在生活上扮演一個重要角色。但是不找看命師也能活得好好的。其實,只要人回憶過去、改正他做過的事、並且高興地盼望未來,他的人生也許就會有成就、有收獲、和如所期待那樣多釆多姿。可是若陶醉於看相者所預測的事,對人的過失沒有補救。做白日夢 (建造空中樓閣) ,或陶醉於看相者的預言說,財富近在咫尺,幸運快來了,這是徒勞的、不切實際的、也是一種幻夢。如果你像有些人常常老是坐著空等,那麼幸運之神會冷冷地與你擦身而過 (pass you by)



1)     1950年代有一部電影The Man Who Knew too Much台灣譯名叫『擒兇記,由James Steward與女歌星Doris Day主演,主題曲叫Que Sera Sera(法文),歌詞大意為 Whatever Will Be Will be.-意謂未來之事非可預料,『會發生的事總會發生勿『杞人憂天,就順其自然吧! 本歌曲調雖老,但詞義歷久彌新,尚值回味、省思與借鏡。現在讓我們一齊來欣賞這支老歌吧。


2)     聽完西洋歌曲,我們也來探討台灣人對未來的憧憬與希望,有些台灣人人把未來的成就定位在『人生起伏不定』與『三分天註定,七分靠打拼』。成功了固然是七分努力的成果,失敗了也有一點藉口,是『天不從人願』,非欠「打拼」也。我們且聽聽葉啓田先生,在『愛拼才會嬴』這首歌曲中,如何詮釋人的前途與未來。Enjoy the music!



Justin Lai













