2013年6月23日 星期日

您的醫療儀器電腦,遭遇駭客入侵? (2)

您的醫療儀器電腦,遭遇駭客入侵? (2)

“There’s almost no medical device that doesn’t have a network jack on the back,” said John Halamka, chief information officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “To fight the evils of the Internet, not only do you have to have a moat, you have to have a drawbridge, burning oil to pour on attackers, and guys with arrows.”

John Halamka說,『幾乎沒有醫療儀器,背後沒有網路的插入器』。他是位波士頓Berth以色列醫學中心的首席資訊官員。『要對抗來自網路邪惡的攻擊,你們不但須具備有一個護城河,而且還要一座活動式的橋樑(可收放),和滾燙的油來潑灑在駭客身上,和那些帶有弓箭的壞傢伙』。

Kevin Fu, who heads the Archimedes Center for Medical Device Security at the University of Michigan, said that several hospitals in 2010 and 2011 were forced to temporarily close their cardiac catheterization labs, which typically perform procedures to widen blocked arteries, because critical devices were infected. At least one patient had to be moved to another hospital.


At Beth Israel some years ago, fetal monitors for women with high-risk pregnancies were infected with malware that slowed the devices’ response time. Patients were not harmed and the problem was eventually fixed, Halamka said. Now the hospital is one of the most aggressive in the country in countering cybersecurity risks.


The FDA has a database for reports of adverse events, but quantifying cybersecurity incidents involving medical devices is nearly impossible. People reporting problems are usually not trained to identify malware as a cause.


Device manufacturers can solve the problems most easily but have the least incentive, because doing so is expensive, experts said. Hospitals, which buy the devices, want improved security but often lack the resources or technical expertise to make the software fixes. Experts say manufacturers typically refuse to apply software patches, claiming the FDA does not allow updates to regulated devices, but FDA officials say that is not the case.


At Beth Israel, about 15,000 devices run on the hospital’s network on a typical day. About 500 of them are using older operating systems most susceptible to malware infection, most often medical devices outside the direct control of the hospital, Halamka said.


The hospital isolates these devices from the Internet and scans its entire network monthly to find new risks. It is doubling its information technology budget next year.


The Veterans Health Administration created a protection program several years ago to eliminate malware and viruses. The federal agency scans flash drives and other portable media for viruses and limits the number of devices connected to the Internet.


The ultimate answer, many experts said, is for manufacturers to build their systems in a way that supports the use of anti-virus software and permits fixes.


Mark B. Leahey, president of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association, said the industry wants to work with “all the stakeholders” to fix weaknesses.

Mark B. Leahey, 醫療儀器製造商協會主席說,他們要與所有『有利害關係者』合作來整復這個缺點。

Bernie Liebler, director of technology and regulatory affairs for the Advanced Medical Technology Association, another trade group, said patient safety is industry’s biggest priority.

Bernie Liebler, 高級醫學科技會-另一商業團體的科技與管制會主任說,病人安全是他們這個行業的最優先考量

Academic researchers, government officials and industry experts have ratcheted up warnings in recent years. A public-private federal advisory committee noted last year that no agency had primary responsibility for medical device security. Also last year, the DHS and the Government Accountability Office issued reports about potential problems.


Several years ago, Fu and other researchers demonstrated in a lab how a combination heart defibrillator and pacemaker was vulnerable to computer hacking. The researchers gained wireless access to the device and reprogrammed it to deliver jolts of electricity that would have potentially been fatal if the device had been in a person.


Fu said he believes that the manufacturer fixed the problem, but not before a producer for the television series “Homeland” used it in the plot line for an episode in which the U.S. vice president dies after a terrorist hacks into his pacemaker and generates lethal jolts of electricity.


Jun 14, 2013  


這是駭人聽聞的新聞揭發,在醫療人員繁忙的時代,所有檢查數據、醫護與研究全都仰賴精密的醫療儀器(medical devices) 這些不靠電腦無法操作。而電腦對hackers又防不勝防。尤其電腦一用久virus全來

如果您是很有名的公眾人物(a big shot) 難免有些潛在敵人(potential enemy) 不論是政敵、情敵或神經不正常者(lunatic) 或純為無辜的患者(innocent patients),只要身體不適去醫院接受醫療的話,侵入你使用的儀器電腦,來謀害您的生命,似乎不無可能,這可以稱作是Assassination Online網路刺殺看來要鬆綁隱私資料收集的規定(to ease secrecy rules on data collection) 似乎尚有待考慮

Justin Lai 譯評





