2013年6月1日 星期六

對美國人『持久婚姻七祕訣』之看法 (2)

對美國人『持久婚姻七祕訣』之看法 (2)

Comment on “The Seven Secrets of Lasting Marriage”

5)Remember the Little Things: (記住生活上一些小事)

The degree to which you can regularly make your partner feel special is a significant factor in how happy your marriage will be,” Orbuch says.  Simple comments and gestures- coffee in bed? – may be even more important for husbands to receive, she says. “In our study, the men who said their wives regularly made them feel special and cared for were significantly happier in their marriages.”

Orbuch 說:『你定期讓你配偶感到如何特別的程度,是一項決定你們未來快樂婚姻的重要因素』。她說:簡單的評語和手勢-例如,在床上喝咖啡好嗎?”妳丈夫聽起來也許更重要。『在我們的研究中,那些說他們太太經常使他們感到特別和受關懷的丈夫們,是享有更明顯快樂的婚姻』。


6) Have Friendships with Both Sexes. (結交男、女朋友)

If you depend on one person in one house to sustain you until death, that’s a ticket to divorce,” says Krasnow, whose research found that women in the happiest marriages had a wide circle of friendships with men and women. Close friendships with the opposite sex aren’t necessarily a sign your marriage is troubled: “Platonic friendships are a sexy pick-me-up without the complications of adultery.



此事東方夫妻恐較難做到。依東方固有保守作風,婚後任何一方結交異性朋友恐有不妥。對配偶不忠(劈腿) 之行為可能因而引起,當然以廣交朋友來減少對家中另一半的精神依賴,其出發點固然正確,但其後遺症亦需事先考慮。

7) Spend time Apart: (夫妻各自打發時間)

If your husband’s idea of the perfect vacation is six straight days of golf and yours is a week of sitting poolside and devouring mystery novels, there is no reason that you cannot spend vacation separately.


The best marriages are the ones in which couples allow each other to grow separately as individuals,” says Krasnow, who spent eight summers as a camp counselor in New York’s Adirondacks when her children were younger while her husband stayed home near Washington, D.C.

What we learned is that we didn’t always need to be twined as one to be connected.  And when my husband would pick me up at the airport, I would see him and practically crumble like a teenager.


She sums up: “The truth is that no one knows what’s really going on in a marriage except the two people in it.  That gives each of us the freedom to write our own rules based on our own emotional needs.”






  以上「秘訣」是西方人基於人種(ethnic) 接近、語言相同、生活習慣與文化背景沒有差距的情形,且是異性結婚 (heterosexual) 所研究出的方法-與最近美國有些州通過的同性結婚(same sex marriage) 恐有不同。但若上述與幾項有差異,尤其後兩項差異太大時,則婚固然可結,但其持久性恐無法保證,當然因人而異。前台大哲學系殷海光教授(曾受教於英國哲學大師羅素Bernard Russsel),其夫人為英國籍,據說夫妻感情和睦,甚至殷教授晚年,受盡前台灣執政當局白色恐怖之政治迫害,但婚姻依舊持續。早期美國大兵與駐亞洲地區國家女子通婚,有短暫也有持久的實例,如為後者,恐與夫妻彼此的瞭解也有關係-瞭解愈深,婚姻持續愈久。
     異族、異國、異教通婚者,自古案例不少,而婚姻持久為數亦不少,如猶太人(Jews)幾世紀以來不停與他族、異教通婚,以致至今純種猶太人雖不復多見,且全世界猶太人總數不超過二仟萬人,但其在世界上各種行業中,如娛樂業(Harrison Ford-名演員、Barbara Streisand-女歌星、名導演Stephen Spielberg-史蒂芬史匹柏)等、財經業(SorosGoldman Sachs-高盛投資等)、新聞業(CNNFox NewsLarry KingBarbara Waters)無不佔有一席領導地位。
管他Godlman 是英國名字?Sachs是德國名字?又今日美國名大學校長(StanfordHarvard等名校)或入學部院長(Dean of Admission)很少不是猶太裔。
  這是摩西(Moses) 帶領他們出埃及記(Exodus) 後重大的成就? 猶太人一千年來可能是異族通婚』,成功案例最多的種族,據傳猶太人現在瞄準的目標是中國人!

Justin Lai, 05/01/2012

