Justin Lai 散文集
The Glamour of Hotels Overseas
(海外渡假飯店的魅力)- (5)
【Note】: 註解
【Iconic locations means sacred ones.
Therefore, sacred places are worthy of best hotels. People like to use ‘complimentary’ to mean ‘free
of charge’, because it is a more dignified and respectful term. 】
There is no free lunch. = You have to pay for what you’ve got. (沒有白吃的午餐)- 要為得到的東兩西付出代價。No
pains, no gains.- 沒有不勞而獲的。
There is no complimentary lunch. = No service of
free lunch is served. (沒有免費招待的午餐)
For some special features, some hotels says:
inspired at
the Park Hyderabad” 『住本飯店可享受有持續的靈感』
【Note】: 註解
【stay is used as a pun; it means stay in the hotel, and in
the mean time it means ‘continue to be.’
(stay v. 做双關語用,一方面作「住宿」;另一方面作「仍然是」) But what kind of ‘inspiration’ does one need living in a hotel? 】
is a collection of experiences.” 『生命就是經驗的收藏』。
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the experience of living in a different hotel. (享受住宿不同飯店的樂趣。) This implies that our hotel offers some
better experiences different from
others. 】
3. “We do
explore Better. We live for exceptional moment.” 『本飯店的確探
【Note】: 註解
are exploring the better. (本飯店不斷追求更好的衣條件) 】。
rest of the world will seem so ordinary.” (Aria
Resort & Casino- Las Vegas) 『世界上其他旅館比起來似乎如此普通』。There are moments in life that are better experienced than explained.”『生命中的片刻,最好親身體驗,比解釋更好』。
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with other hotels, ours is superb. We cannot explain how good we are. Come and
experience it yourself. 】
5. “Check
in and leave the world’s baggage behind. 『不必帶行李(放大塵俗的負担,直接來報到就好了』。Relax
and reflect in a most extraordinary setting.”–Enchantment Resort in Arizona. (亞利桑那州渡假飯店) 『在最特殊的飯店環境中,放鬆自己並靜下心來』。
【Note】: 註解
【‘the world baggage’ can either
mean the baggage one travels with or the
worldly burden. It is a
metaphor, meaning putting down your burden, relaxing, and checking in. This ad
really draws attention to tourists. 】