2013年9月24日 星期二

(海外渡假飯店的魅力)- (1)

Justin Lai 散文集

The Glamour of Hotels Overseas

(海外渡假飯店的魅力)- (1)

People travel overseas for business or on vacation. Whatever their purpose may be, they have to stay at a hotel. As a Chinese goes, “Rest, and you can go farther” For some people where to put up may be pre-determined, arranged by a travel agency, or recommended by friends. For others traveling alone or not joining a tour may have to choose a hotel themselves before hand. When choosing a good hotel, people mostly depend on a commercial, an ad or suggestions made by others.  Therefore, a good ad of good hotels poses an important factor with which for people to decide on a good hotel.


Among the ads, some hotels prefer to put their primary concern in a short and readable words or phrases of advertisement.  Of course, they must be emphatic, attractive and effective.  For instance, please read the following ads in which ‘luxury’ is specifically emphasized in a hotel:


1.the luxury of being yourself- Conrad hotels and resorts. (康拉飯店與渡假中心)


Note: 註解

Luxury’ can be broadly defined, therefore, ‘of being yourself is really something characterizing a luxury belonging to yourself or of your own style.  Based on this, we can find another ad such as:

豪華』也許有廣泛的定義,因此of being yourself 是真正表現出『屬於你自己或你自已的風格』,因此根據此點,我們能找到其他廣告,例如:

2. “Welcome to quiet luxury. Real luxury shouldn’t say too much.  We’ve always believed saying less says so much more. No loud pretense. No excess formalities.”- (JW Marriott飯店) 

Note: 註解

At first glimpse, we might take the ‘quiet luxury’ for ‘luxury’ in a silent way. It rather means the hotel is possessed of ‘luxury’, which need not be exaggerated. They take it for granted that ‘luxury’ should go hand in hand with a good hotel. ‘Saying less says so much more. ’ is eloquent, and really convincing. ‘No loud pretense means pretending loudly that we do provideluxuryis redundant. No excess formalities means not excessively observing rules or customs; or it means casual’. Guests, staying here will feel quite comfortable and at ease.

乍看之下,我們也許会把quiet luxury’ 當成是靜靜的luxury . 它倒是指本家飯店擁有不須誇大的豪華。他們認為豪華自應與好飯店併行。『少誇兩句才是真有其實』-就是『無聲勝有聲』。沒有大聲的虛假言語意謂:大聲假裝說我們的確擁有豪華自是多餘的。沒有過當的繁文縟節,意謂不必過度遵守規則與習俗或意指「隨和」。投宿本飯店的貴客會感到相當適舒與自在。

3. The following luxury is of another kind:下列所稱之luxury是另一種

Enjoy the privileges of Unlimited-Luxury at our all-adult Secrets Resorts &Spas. 享受到本飯店無限豪華的特權,在我們全部成年人享用的,隱密的渡假旅館和泡澡浴室。

Note: 註解

Our ‘luxury’ is defined as ‘Unlimited. What is exactly the ‘luxury’? It includes all-adult Resorts and spas. Check in and find out what it really is.

我們的是無限制的。到底何謂豪華? 它包含全成年式的度假飯店與電動按摩浴缸。請投宿來看看它是什麼。

Justin Lai 著 譯




