2014年7月3日 星期四

字詞研究 (75)

字詞研究 (75)


(Words with Identical Roots)

63) expert/expertise / (export):      

1. expert n. C. 專家 ()
There are ~s in demand to sway legal battles over innovation. 需要些專家來改變(影響)有關
新發明官司的對抗(註:sway v. 靠到一邊,影響,innovation n. 新發明)

Dr. Hoffman is an ~ on plastic surgery.  霍夫曼醫師是整形外科專家。

** 比較export v. n. 出口; import v. n. 進口

2. expert a. 精通的 = skillful

3. expertise  n. 專業技術 = know-how; technique
a. A certain kind of ~ is required to run a franchise business like that. 經營那
樣的聯營生意需要某種專門技術。(註:franchise 連鎖店)

b.     Designing and manufacturing gives us the experience and ~ to create a truly
customized look. 設計與製造給予我們,創造一個真正訂製外觀製品的經驗
技術。(註:customize v. 訂製)

64) explicit / implicit:

1. explicit  adj. 明示的;明白的 = clear = outspoken 坦白的。
Anna was ~in her description of the wedding ceremony; she was outspoken.
Ann 清楚的描述婚禮;她是直言無隱

此字由 explain 演變而來比較
explicable  adj. 可說明的 = to be explained

2. implicit adj. 盲目的; 暗示的。imply v. [ 0m'pla0 ] 暗示
An implied or express consent could be given to their marriage.                           

65) explosive / explosion:  explode v. 爆炸
1. explosion n. 爆炸 (動作或行為) = blast n.
He hears the sound of the orchestra playing along with the rhythm of the ~s
in the sky. 他聽到管弦樂隊,配合空中爆炸韻律的演奏聲音。

2. explosive  a.爆炸性的易於激動的~ temper 脾氣
a. He says the film is an ~ entertainment. 他說這部電影具爆炸性的娛樂節目。

b. To show anger in an ~ way would be a loss of face for both of you. 如果表
3. explosive n. 炸藥;火葯 = gunpowder
A man strapped with ~ s blew himself up at the depot. 身上綁著炸藥,有一個人在汽車站

dynamite n. 強力炸藥 = powerful explosive
l dynamic a. 有活力的 (energetic);振撼的 (forceful)

*字尾 (suffix) 之研究   母音+ de  (v.)  ----- 母音+ sion (n.)

invade  v.入侵  invasion n.   include v. 包含    inclusion n.
decide v. 決定   decision n.   exclude  v. 除外  exclusion n.
divide v. 分割   division n.    erode  v. 腐蝕   erosion n.
collide  v. 相撞 collision n.   *incise v.     incision n.

concede v. 讓步 concession n.

recede v. 後退 recession n. 衰退 (economic經濟)recess n. 休息*rescind vt. 作廢
rescission  n.

Justin Lai


