2014年7月12日 星期六



1)     狗愈弄愈惡gau ruh lang ruh `ohk

直譯The more a dog is tricked, the more vehement(fierce) he becomes.
      The more a person is annoyed or ridiculed, the more angered or vicious he shall become.

【註】:「弄」唸 ‘lang’ ,挑逗之義,如弄獅=舞獅;弄布袋戲,但「( ‘long’)狗相咬」=唆使兩方不睦或互鬥」=coaxing two parties into fighting each other又「戲弄」=取笑=揶揄= tease

意譯Avoid humiliating or ridiculing a person far beyond he can stand. (避免過分羞辱某人。(比較:見笑轉壽氣=老羞取怒。Constant humiliation leads to irritation.)

2)     欠錢走主顧kiam jeen `tsao zu koh

直譯When one owes another a credit, one is always tries avoiding him.
【註】:「欠錢」= owe someone a debt or a credit;「主顧」= regular customer

意譯When you owe someone too many favors or too much unpaid debt, you will try to avoid him (or a debtor-債主), not visiting his shop again avoid=迴避

3)    氣死驗沒傷`keeh seeh gaim boh shong

直譯 A coroner (驗屍官) can examine no sign of any hurt on the body even though someone is irritated to death.
【註】:驗=驗屍;inspect or examineirritated to death不一定氣死,而是「盛怒」之義
意譯A person is extraordinarily outraged or irritated. (比喻說法 a figure of speech-十分生氣)

4)     暝拖呣通早磨meih tuah m tang `zah buah

直譯It is better to toil through midnight than to exert oneself early in the morning.
【註】:暝= 暗暝,即黑夜;暝拖=漏夜工作= working hard through the night;呣通=do not= shall not =definitely not..不可做;早=透早,即清晨。「早磨」原意為「早上拼命工作」。上譯前半用toil= work strenuously,後半用exert,均符台語「拖磨」之義。又「拖」原義為drag,但「拖延」= postpone procrastinate。現在流行用語「牽拖」=wrongly accuse one of something,比「誣賴」輕微的指控。

【另註】:台語勸人盡量晚上拼命工作後再休息,而非把剩餘工作拖延到翌日才完工。含有「今日事今日畢」,即西方諺語: “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today” 之意。但有人誤解此點不符西方人的工作原則與精神,西方人認為工作應定時定量,因為工作逾時(overwork) 會造成品質不佳(cheap quality) 。例如,從前用人工組合汽車時,顧客選購汽車時都避免挑選在星期五及星期一出廠的車輛,因為星期五工人趕工急著下班;而星期一剛休完假上班,無精打釆,品質均難保證。而一般工人工廠下午五點一到,立即收工(Let’s call it a day.)- 毫不含糊,因此東西方哲學宜分辨清楚。

5)     先生緣主人福 hsin se-hn yen zuh ran`hok

【註】:台語「先生」可指師長,teachersmedical doctors 醫生,此處指醫師。

「緣」=緣分,a happy encounter;「福」,即福分、福氣也;主人乃指當事人,clientsomeone involved customer,但此處則指病人或患者,patient也。

直譯: It is regarded as a happy encounter for a patient to be accepted by a good doctor. It is a patient’s blessing or fortune for his illness to be recovered under a good doctor’s treatment. (醫師與病人的相識靠好緣分,能遇到好郎中則屬患者之福氣)

【另註】:「緣」字,在英譯上不易表達,如『朋友看緣分,相挺看時辰-Friendship depends on predetermined destiny while to be on someone else’s side is decided by timing. 『姻緣天註定』-One is meant for another.


Justin Lai 編譯


