2014年7月21日 星期一




「笑」字在中國文字僅有一種讀音- hsiao,但在台語中卻有多種讀法:

一、             一般白話讀作chou:如「笑詼-chou kuei= 作名詞用,指好笑的事= laughing stuff;作形容詞用,指好笑的= amusing, funny。「喙笑鼻笑」(嘴笑鼻子也笑) ,十分得意也= Very pleased。「笑窮無笑賤=笑貧不笑娼= Poverty is to be laughed at, while prostitution is not. 「吔好氣吔好笑」(既令人生氣,也令人好笑)= Both annoying and amusing. 現代人喜用「偷笑」,乃竊竊自喜」= pleased inside one’s heartundisclosed pleasure. 另「笑死人」= very amusing/funny;「笑破人的嘴」同義也。台語老歌歌詞中有『人人我是戇大呆,乎風騙嘸知』-人人笑我是大笨蛋,被風騙了還不知道,人被風「騙」-另一高雅expression “I was ridiculed as a damned fool, for I was cheated by the wind without realization.” 。另有男女談戀愛時,『目紋笑,目睭降』-用「眉毛笑,瞪眼睛」來傳情:
With smiling eyebrows and staring eyes, I convey my love to you.

二、             讀成hsiao (同漢音) ,如「見笑」-指丟臉或不好意思= feeling embarrassed or humiliated. 常用「見笑轉秀氣」-因丟臉而轉為生氣,接近中文的「老羞成怒」- Repeated humiliation bursts into anger. 另「見笑代」=見笑的事(代誌) 。注意:在台語中與漢文之意義略有不同。

三、             讀成hsiah, hsiao之轉音,如「含笑花」-花朵盛開喻為笑,要開未開,即含苞待放謂之「含笑」,這是極高雅的比喻。另如「笑四笑眾」-遺笑眾人- Being sneered or laughed at by surrounding people. 「一某無人知,兩某笑四代」-一個妻子平安無事,一個以上的老婆就會惹事而招人恥笑。(Monogamy is common; polygamy causes gossip and laughter.)

四、             讀成chao, hsiao之重讀轉音,如「笑談-好笑的事= joke or funny stories. 某人愛講「笑談」,又如三國演義作者,羅貫中在其序文中最後一句:『古今都少事都付笑談中」People laugh away all those happenings in the past or at present.

賴正雄 (Justin Lai) 

寫於 美國西雅圖


