2014年8月12日 星期二


Robin Williams Death: The Difference Between Depression & Normal Sadness-從羅賓之死探討憂鬱與自然悲傷之分別-


"Depression is one of the most tragically misunderstood words in the English language," - 憂鬱是最悲慘令人誤解的字

 "When people refer to depression in everyday conversation, they usually have something far less serious in mind," than what the disorder actually entails. "In fact, the term typically serves as a synonym for mere sadness."

當人們提到它時, 通常心中都沒有比此病真正的意义有更嚴重的想法, 事實上認為此字典型的意思不過是悲傷的同義字而已.

  • Men's symptoms of depression may be harder for other people to recognize, and the illness is missed more frequently in men, Goldstein said.- 男性患者的症狀常被錯過,也較難被人看出
  • Men with depression are more likely than women with the condition to commit suicide, Goldstein said. Men with depression may go longer without being diagnosed or treated, and so men may develop a more devastating mental health problem.
  • 男患者比女患者更可能有自殺傾向, 且患期較長, 也更嚴重

  • Symptoms of depression extend far beyond feeling sad, and may include: loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities, irritability, agitation or restlessness, lower sex drive, decreased concentration, insomnia or excessive sleeping and chronic fatigue and lethargy, according to Mayo Clinic.
  • 其症狀比悲傷拖更久, 包含喪失興趣,與正常活动的樂趣,易怒、不安、性慾較差、精神集中減少、失眠、或睡眠過多、慢性疲倦與嗜眠等



Justin Lai 譯

