2014年1月16日 星期四



1)     《鷄嘴變鴨嘴》

   英譯: In the beginning, one is asserting and arguing as eloquently as a rooster. But when he finds his argument or assertion is groundless, he keeps his mouth shut like a duck. The Taiwanese uses a metaphor;鷄嘴-rooster’s mouth to mean eloquence; 鴨嘴- duck’s mouth meaning silence or speechlessness.

2)     《窮到鬼要拖去》:

形容人的窮,有用「窮小子」,「窮光蛋」,「一窮二白」,「窮得要死」。英國人用 “as poor as a church mouse” 『窮得像教堂的老鼠』(每周教徒來作禮拜僅一次,才送一點捐献) 。台灣人認為人死成鬼,什麽都沒有,故也用『窮鬼』,但英文確無poor ghostpoor Satan之用法

【英譯】Someone is as poor as one who will be accompanied by a ghost. (原句的拖去,含拉人為伴之義,故不譯成 “drag” “haul”).= Someone is poverty itself. = Someone is very poor. = Someone is poverty stricken.

3. 好花插牛屎》:

台灣人想出的妙喻,雖然不雅,確形容得淋漓盡致,意謂極不搭() 配。花通常有插在花瓶內(vase) 、頭髮上、衣服上,但當然不會插在牛的糞便上 (droppings)

【直譯】putting beautiful flowers on a pile of bull droppings. 當然也可以用bullshit,但此字英美人士的認知是無意義的(nonsense) 或胡扯、虛假、倒霉。

【意譯】It is sheer incompatibility. = It is totally incompatible. (完全不配)
台灣話另用『渚屎』表示一件好的東西被人『比下去』,而失去光輝或競爭力之義。英文含 “When compared, something is downgraded to nothingness.” 之義。或 “ It is shamefully inferior to others by comparison.”

4.     《三八假厚禮》

台語「三八」可以指男、女,含不正經、不正常或行為不端正之意。厚禮意謂禮數過分周到。假乃假冒或冒充也 (a fake or counterfeit)

英譯】:Pretending to be very courteous, one is actually behaving inappropriately. One is nuts while pretending that he is showing full politeness. (nuts很接近三八之意) 。有一對『芋仔蕃薯(外省先生+台灣太太)的夫妻十分恩愛,丈夫叫妻子「三八的」,妻子則叫丈夫為「四九啊」,雖然四九與『死狗』同音,卻不影響他們的感情。類似的俗語是『梨子假蘋果』與『牛欄假鹿鞭』。

5.    《查某子菜子命》


【英譯】A daughter’s destiny is like that of a planting seed. If married to a nice guy, she prospers, enjoying happiness. If married to a bad guy, she suffers all her life.
當然也有例外,有的女人比先生更能吃苦更上進,台灣話叫男人得到『好某山(woman with good breeding);也有女人嫁到好丈夫却不知惜福,把丈夫家產散盡,台灣話叫『敗家查某(corrupting woman)

也因此從前有些鄉下家庭,因子女眾多,連女兒的名字也隨便取,例如,用「呣治」(不要之意) ,或「罔市」、「罔腰」(隨便餵飼」等不雅的字,但這些已成典故。

Justin Lai 編著


