2013年5月29日 星期三

從汽車廣告看美國文化 (3)


Auto Ads &American Culture (3)

4.     Porsche 保時-德製

Innovations and Essentials for the coming car.多樣革新,配備應有盡有』。像全龜車外型,很拉風,馬力强勁,在freeway上開,幾秒內就leaving other vehicles behind (超越其他車輛) ,而停在gas station 加油時更是很多人注視的目標。

5.     Bentley英國名車-台灣人較陌生

The New Blue Train Arrange commemorates a colorful contest from Bentley’s past.” (售價在20-30萬美金)新車種Blue Train Arrange紀念Bentley過去一項多釆多姿的汽車競賽』。

6.     Lexus 日本車美國生產-頗受老美歡迎,省油、引擎耐操、保養費不比歐洲進口車貴

Curiosity, Passion & Ambition.好奇、熱情與大志

The passionate pursuit of Perfection.一台熱烈追求完美的車子』。

The road to perfection is not paved with Asphalt.” 要達到車子設計完美,我們一路走來很辛苦』。(强調歷經許多崎嶇道路的艱困,才完成一部完美的車子) Asphalt: 瀝青路面

Lexus車子廣告常與perfection離不開perfectionhighest point attainable十全十美。雖然人家常說Nothing is perfect.” No one but errs.人非聖賢孰能無過。『另註: road paved with Asphalt, 鋪有瀝青的道路-喻平坦的路。

7.     GM (General Motor通用汽車): 包含Buick (別克)Chevrolet (雪芙蘭)

Winning over the critics is great. Winning you over is even greater.勝過汽車評論家是了不起的。嬴了你(說服你來買我們的車子)更了不起』。


8.     Toyota Pick-up 豐田小貨車

Longer, wider, smoother, stronger, and a whole bunch of other –ers.車身較長、較寬、較順暢和另外一大籮筐的更好的裝備』(a bunch of 一包; 一束; a ~of flowers)
Longer 指車身Mercedes (賓士車) 則在車款名顯示,如300 SEL (3000 C.C. 加長型el=elongate=lengthen即「加大」之意。

9.     Chrysler 克萊斯勒

The shortest distance between two points is irrelevant.兩點間最短的距離是不相關連的』。

The Chrysler Crossfire recently sent a sonic boom throughout the industry..

sonic a. 聲音的a ~boom音爆、巨响。如果指熱門音樂則用a hit指人出風頭用make a splash

10.       Alfa Romeo愛快羅蜜歐

 Sometimes a vintage automobile can benefit from restraint than from restoration.

vintage, adj. 最佳代表restrain v. 節制; restraint n. restore v. 恢復restoration n.) 有些車種的外形堅持保守,如Volkswagen 德國金亀車,自1939出廠迄今,其外形改變不大。20年前曾經一度改變外形,結果銷路大滑。製造商連忙又改回原型,其實人們喜歡它的原因是引擎耐用車身鋼板結實(比前台灣裕隆車厚三倍)。通常歐洲車與早期的美國車板金較厚,所以耐撞Volvo(富豪) 即標榜它有較厚板金。(如台灣一些女士喜歡用Nokia牌手機,原因無他,耐摔也)。美國人尤其是老太婆仍喜歡開美國車,而不喜歡日本車,因前者車大,板金厚,安全性較高。有人說:『大車安全;小車省油』。其實美國板金工資十分昂貴,駕駛人盡量不敢開太快,也保持安全距離,以免撞人或被撞(collision) 撞車時,如果責任是你,那麼你明年的汽車保險費(premium)就會大幅提高

11.  Lamborghini 藍保基尼-義大利名車:

If you like a Clockwork Orange, you’re gonna love this one.如果你喜歡一台精緻的黃色車,你將會愛這一台』
*clockwork (似鐘錶一樣精確) 比喻車子做工精緻。

12. Pontiac: 龎迪亞克-美國製

You are just cheating on your car, just looking at it.若你光看而不開你的Pontiac (而想別種車) ,你就辜負了它』(如此好車,不開可惜)
說明》:cheat on + (欺騙人的感情,亦含劈腿之意)

13. Nissan:

Shift the way you move.” 改變你的移動方向盤- 轉動流利』(2011新車)- 此廣告維持很久不變。

14. Jaguar 英國車-積架

Luxurious, Powerful, and Everything in between.”- Luxury car of the year.
-Top Gear Magazine. 名汽車雜誌評為本年度風雲汽車
It appeals to most ladies with high, noble social status. 看來此車是高貴女士的最愛Once Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady paid a visit to Taiwan, ten cars were designated to escort her.
英國首相(鐵娘子) 柴契爾夫人來台訪問時,指定要有十部積架」迎接她。

   當然還有許多名車無法一一列舉說明。又汽車廣告大都是新車(brand-new) 少有舊車。而且多半指新款式的特色。美國人連舊車的名稱,也用了腦筋,他們不稱這些車是二手貨(second hand) (其實就是)。一般稱舊車為used cars較高檔的品種則叫pre-owned (= owned before之前別人用過的)

A used cars dealer, selling Lincoln & Mercury. Here is what he says in the ads. 有一舊車商,專售林肯牌車種,他的廣告是這樣』Trust me. I’ve got three buyers that want to pay full price.  But for you, right now, I’ll give you a cash deal. If we don’t verify it, it’s just used.相信我,有三位買主要全價買我這部車子。但現在我就用現金價便宜賣給你。如果我們不去証實它,它是部舊車』。

Automobiles may pose or position themselves as a necessity, a luxury, a taste or a symbol of a man’s social status. Whichever it may be, it varies from people to people. As long as they are not viewed as redundant but rather something added to the comfort and convenience of life, people should have every reason to keep producing, improving, and making them prosper in modern society.
After all, it is a kind of human civilization.



通常廣告詞隨著新車款式而變更,而且日新月異。當你買新車或trade in (舊車換新車)時,請比較新舊廣告,其內容可能不乏廣告噱頭,三言兩語的廣告詞也道出它的精華,只要盡量不買被曾被recall(因有瑕疵而被召回)之類似車種就好。Good luck!


Google 已正式宣佈,發明了無人駕駛的車子 (unmanned vehicle) ,其性能如何? 特點何在? 廣告詞又會怎樣? 只有拭目以待吧。

Justin Lai 02/10/2012 / 05/22/2013 revised USA



