2013年5月28日 星期二

從汽車廣告看美國文化 (2)


Auto Ads &American Culture (2)

4. Infiniti G35 coupe (日產最高級兩門車)
Available with a sport-tuned suspension and 19-inch alloy wheel.

I.   uniqueness獨特優點

1. Audi 奧迪-德製

The private jet seems a little, well redundant.私人噴射機似乎有一點兒多餘』。It is a little exaggerating to say a private jet is an excess. But car-makers seem to be over-confident in their products. (意謂開Audi够方便,够快了,何必花更多的錢買飛機?) - 把汽車拿來跟飛機相比,確實誇大,以現代年輕人語言叫「太扯了」,但卻表示對車子的優越很有自信 (待續)

2. Nissan-Altima (日本車)

All your senses wonder if they just won the lottery.” 所有你的感覺器官都想知道是否他們中了樂透獎』。To satisfy customers’ sensation, the inside and outside have been redesigned as if they become rich overnight. (廣告者强調汽車內外,不惜重金,重新設計,包括eyes(視覺)ears(聽覺)palpable(觸覺)等,像中了頭彩似的)(lottery 樂透)

3. “Land Rover gives birth to its first offspring conceived since the Ford wedding-and gee, it’s already a rugged grownup.Land Rover 產下與福特通婚、受孕後的第一胎,嘿嘿,而且它已經長成粗壯的大人』。
With the impact of Japanese cars on Americans’, some manufacturers began to make cars with others to produce a new species, called a Hybrid. Such as a Japanese engine and American body. The name “Hybrid” is proudly printed on the car they produce.

4. Mazda 馬自達-日本產)

“Ten vehicles. One soul. 十種款式。一條心』。(强調車種雖多,但都是純種)Although they are ten species, they are all pure- Mazda)

Note:Before 1980’s the industry was monopolized by America-make cars. And then, the Japanese cars came in. What they were good for were fuel-saving and better engines. Of course, there were rejected and dismissed as small, fragile, and insecure. However, by degrees, they began to gain the ground on the market. The sale of American cars, on the contrary kept dropping. The unemployment rate began to soar.  Many workers began to be out of job. To express their anger and frustration, they took it out on the Japanese cars.  One day, a worker in Detroit drove a junk Toyota to the outside of an automobile assembly plant. He came to the plant, having a big hammer with him.   Out of curiosity and indignation at the Japanese car, they were encouraged to give a hit with the hammer on the car, but were charged $ one US dollar each time they hit the car. In no time there was a long line waiting for their turn. Well, time has changed, and now on the freeways people can easily see six out of ten cars are Japanese-make. popularity)

【另註】1980年以前,汽車市塲大部是美國車的天下,之後日本車進來,它標謗的是省油及耐用的引擎,開始時受到排斥,然後逐漸受歡迎 (gaining popularity) 美國車的銷售量則逐漸下降,汽車城底特律(Detroit)工人失業率上升。1980年某一天,有一位工人開了一部舊豊田車到汽車廠,邀請工人們用重鐵鎚來鎚打它車身,以宣洩心中憤怒(日本車搶走美國市塲),結果引起工人們好奇與興趣,等候鎚打者竟大擺長龍,但每敲打一下,車主索價美金一元。但曾幾何時,目前日本車的銷售量席捲全美,連退休老人也喜歡。在freeway上,十部車約有6部以上是日本車。

5. Maserati: 義大利名車

The MC12 was conceived, designed, engineered, and born to run for faster than 200 mph straight out of the box.MC12型款車的構想、設計、打造和製造是,一衝出去就能跑時速200哩以上』。
In the ads the four words are sufficient enough to interpret the main features of the vehicle.(廣告詞中用了四個動詞conceived, designed, engineered, and born這四個字充分表達其獨特的特點)

6. Cadillac CTS-V凱迪拉克-美國名車

Stealth fighter-inspired.  But sadly visible to police radar.” 隱含戰鬥機的衝擊力』。遺憾
的是警察雷達可以測試得到』The vehicle can easily exceed the speed limit within seconds.

Please do not sit on the fence.”-(SRX-4門小型車)請別觀望
In a world of look-alikes, a Crossover with a point of view all its own. 『雖然有許多看起來相像的車子充斥市塲,但這部Crossover車確具獨到的觀點』。(Notestressing Crossover’s features different from other cars. sit one the fence= waiting to see where one can win most advantage,騎牆觀望,a fence-sitter n. 騎牆派)

7. Dodge 道奇-美國車

An exclusive first look at Dodge’s hot revival. We’re not making up. Mostly
搶手的道奇復活車種,先睹為快。我們多半不是蓋的』。make up = invent杜撰hot指大家搶著要: Arco becomes a hot business. Arco加油站是大家搶着投資的生意。但a hot potato則指燙手的洋山竽-比喻棘手的問題,拿著燙手,丟了可措revive v. = come to life甦醒

8. Chrysler 克萊斯勒(美國車)

With exclusive stow’n go seating and storage- amazingly yes.有獨一無二進出的坐位方便,當然也有令你想不到的儲藏空間This car is characterized by seating and storage(trunk-儲藏空間)兩大特點。

VI Overall features & others: 整體特色與其他

1 Mercedes Benz賓士:

a.      Momentum.” 有衝力One single word explains everything. (簡單一個單字說明一切)momentum n. = impetus of moving objects. (指移動物體之動力或爆發力)

b. “The Best or Nothing.” 這是很有力的廣告,意謂『要做就是做最好的車子』。People used to use Simply the Best.” orNothing but The Best.” These have become out of date and stale. (這兩句已變成有點陳腐,尚且本句含極強烈的自信與自傲)

2. Pontiac 美國車:

Meet the 64 New Kids on the automobile block.到汽車街去看我們64種新產品』。(Kids are compared to new products喻為新產品,64 New Kids meaning that our products are numerous.本句比喻新產品之多)

During the World War II, President Roosevelt one day received a phone call, sayingYour baby was born.” Baby was a code, meaning A-Bomb. "The A-Bomb test was successful.

二次大戰期間某日,羅斯福總統接到一封電話說: baby為密碼,指A-Bomb原子彈。
上句明譯為: 「原子彈已試騐成功」》。

3. Rolls-Royce 勞斯萊斯-英國相當昂貴的名車,其廣告也頗吸吸引人

a. “The new Rolls-Royce…. Power, Grace & Style新款勞斯萊斯-有力優雅流行』。用三個字代替表達其Powerful, Graceful & Stylish三義

b.  A timeless harmony of Engineering and Elegance.” 結合匠工與高雅的永久和諧』。timeless a.= eternal永久的

c.  Now and again, we have to defy the laws of physics.我們不得不再度否定物理定律』。(最高時速是350mph平常開70 mph輕鬆得很,這是違背物理原則的)

d.  Unique blend of craftsmanship & technology if the envy of all others.若招惹其他品牌忌妒的是,我們獨特的匠工與高科技的結合』。原句=(It would be) a unique blend…..if (there should be) the envy of…. craftsmanship n. 作工

e.  Phantom- a master blend of form & function.Phantom(鬼魂)這車種是一種美好的外形與優越功能精心的組合』。本句强調外形與功能。

f.  It is the most anticipated car ever, combining the legacy and style of Rolls-Royce with technology and power of BMW.它是最被期待的車子,它結合了勞斯萊斯的傳統與風格,和BMW的高科技與動力』。

Note: 註】
Rolls-Royce是英國製造飛機的工廠(類似日本三菱重工),它生產的轎車專供英國王公貴族、阿拉伯王室、及全球富商等使用。在70年代Bruce Lee(李小龍)風光時期也曾訂了一部,車身兩邊鑲龍,當時造價10萬多美元,可惜未交車他即亡故。另英國間諜小說作家-Ian Fleming筆下的007小說,也曾把這款車神化,塑造它具有飛簷走壁等多項功能,含車身及玻璃防彈(bullet-proof) 其實它的外型並不好看,車型方方地,形同一具棺材車(coffin vehicle)但因其鋼板超厚,安全性高,很多部分全由手工製造,加上生產數量有限,主要接受個人需要訂做,重要的是它代表車主崇高的社會地位(prestige)例如你開車在美國高級住宅區,像Beverly Hills(比華利山莊), Hills Borough Palos Verdes(PV)等區。如果開的是名車還好,若是破爛舊車,可能會遭受警察攔截或盤問。所以通常看某一地區的住民開的車,就可以看出這區的等級與好壞。或許這是為何一些美國黑人喜歡開好車的原因,他們買不起好房子,即使買得起也會受排斥。(當然例外的如Michael Jackson (已故), O.J. Simpson-足球名星), Audie Murphy-著名諧星) 。因此乾脆買名車來過過classy people(上流人士)的乾隱。二次大戰期間,日軍南攻,駐新加坡英軍因寡不敵眾,奉命投降,時任日軍遠征軍指揮官的山下奉文將軍(以凶狠出名,外號馬來之虎),於佔領新加坡後,下令將英國總督(governor) 的一寄座車-Rolls-Royce,以戰利品(booty)運回日本,送給皇室。戰後,日本全國民生凋敝,為了三餐,許多皇室人士拿出一些貴重東西出來變賣,以填飽肚子。其中這部Rolls-Royce就賣給一位名叫市川的商人。當時(1945)美軍進佔日本,東京市區的交通由MP(military police)憲兵指揮。有一天這位市川先生坐著這部車到東京銀座區辦事。當指揮交通的憲兵看到一輛,車子引擎蓋上有『R』標誌(代表Rolls-Royce)駛近時,他突然令其他三方來車暫停,而指揮這部有『R』記號的豪華車先行,並且舉手敬禮。是否此憲兵誤認該車坐的是日本天皇?不得而知。但由此可見外國人『認車不認人』的習慣與成見(prejudice)。這點與台灣迥然有別。在台灣南部,可以看到有人穿木拖鞋,開著賓士600,而且邊開邊吐血(檳榔汁)!



Justin Lai
02/10/2012 in South Pasadena, CA
Revised on  05/28/30  in Seattle,WA


