2016年1月24日 星期日



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I. 靈修的話

The Shepherd’s Hand” 基督的保護

The little sheep stood on wobbly legs, 小綿羊站立不穩,
Tired and sick and scared, 疲憊、生病又膽
But Jesus’ hand reached out in strength, 但主伸出強力援手,
The Shepherd who always cared. 總是有保護的基督。

The little sheep was left sad and alone, 雖然傷心又孤單,
    The others had walked away. 他人棄之不顧。
But Jesus’ gentle hand gave warmth, 但主的援手賜予溫暖,
    And taught it how to pray. 且教牠如何禱告。

The little sheep strayed and lost its way, 小綿羊迷失方向,
    From the others it started to roam. 遠離羊群開始流浪。
But Jesus’ hand offered it guidance, 但主賜其引導方向
    And led it safely home. 使牠安然回家。

The journey of life takes many turns, 人生之途須轉折不少
    To get where you want to be. 才能抵達目的地。
We need the loving hand of the Shepherd, 吾人需要主的愛心扶助,
    For that little sheep was me. 那隻迷途小綿羊正是我。

          By Eleanor Torchia


「那坐在黑暗裏的百姓看見了大光;坐在死蔭之地的人,有光發現照著他們」馬太福音4:16 (Mathew 416)

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1)      The people who lived in the dark have seen a great light, and a light has come upon those who lived in the region and in shadow of death. (Common English Bible-普通英語聖經,簡稱CEB)

2)      The people that sat in darkness Saw a great light, and To them that sat in the region and shadow of death, to them did light spring up. (American Standard Version -美國標準版,簡稱ASV)

3)      The people who sat (dwelt enveloped) in darkness have seen a great Light, and for those who sat in the land and shadow of death Light has dawned. (Amplified Bible- 簡化聖經版,簡稱AB)

4)      Although your people live in darkness, they will see a bright light. Althoughthey live in the shadow of death, a light will shine on them. (Contemporary English Version-當代英語版,簡稱CEV)

5)      A people who were sitting in darkness have seen a great light.  And unto those sitting in the region of the shadow of death, a light has risen. (Catholic Pubic Domain Version-天主教版,簡稱CPDV)


1.      「中譯:「有光發現照著他們譯文顯與英譯不同,中文語句不順暢。若改用「發現有光照著他們」,尚可接受,但原英文版並無「發現」字義。

2.      CEB中的a light,似乎有其他之光,若用the light,才正確,因只有一道強光而已

3.      ASV強光之照射用spring upCEB的時式不同,且spring up 指短暫之動作,而has come up指完成的狀態

4.      CEV版本,用兩個although意思更清楚

5.      天主教版本(CPDV) people,只能釋義為A crowd of people (一群人)CEB,ASV, AB等版本用the people;但僅中文卻譯為「百姓。」

6.      大致各版本皆同意:兩個地點,一為陰暗地區,另一為死亡陰影處;但天主教卻把兩地區合而為一,用in the region of the shadow of death (死亡之陰暗地區) 。到底孰是孰非?只能求諸原文(拉丁文或希伯來文) 之原義。

7.      CEVwill see, will shine表示尚未見到強光,也未照射,顯與其他版本(用現在完成式) 意義不同

8.      CEBCEVlive而其他三個版本用sit表示地點所在,但兩字意義不同

9.     AB版用dawned (由黑暗到曙光) ,很傳神,除照射外,另有使人頓悟之義,比其他版本更貼切

“Although some people were in the darkness, they saw a great light. And although others were in the shadow of death, the light shone upon them .“


另註:in the darkness懵懵然,無知,此乃比喻說法= ignorant;而in the shadow of death=位在死亡 (痛苦深淵 (abyss) = extremely tortured,亦為比喻, 乃十分痛苦,瀕臨絕境之意= on the brink of death.


Justin Lai (賴正雄編譯/評論


