I have my own plane to play. 我玩自已的飛機

Dogs can stand on water! 狗能站在水上?

Tails forming a heart shape? 尾巴成心狀?

Chopper vs. ant 直升機對螞蟻

The fish reaction to being caught...................

Lightning striking on Lake Michigan....密西根湖面上的雷電交加

The best way to beat the heat...............消暑的特效法

Leap of faith 信心之躍?

The turtle mother has many sons and daughter...........亀媽子孫成群

Reporting under the tidal wave...海浪下的實况報導

Is she reporting on a flying carpet? 在飛毯上演講?

The perfect shot..................情深似山高?

Jumping through the rainbow 跳入彩虹

Tilted landing caught at the right moment....斜角着陸?

Where did that rascal go? 那個惡棍那裡去了?

Shadows can be creepy sometimes. 影子有時也会彎的

The Tsunami cloud.海雲?

Sharks jump out at the right moment 沙魚適時躍出

Team work? 有團隊精神?

Double-headed? 双頭鳥?

Apparently he had too much to drink...顯然他喝多了....