2014年6月12日 星期四


What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, artist unveil warp-speed craft design-偉大的創舉!


(CNN) -- Thanks to a NASA physicist, the notion of warp speed might just travel out of sci-fi and into the real world.

歸功於太空總署一位物理學家,扭轉速度的觀念可以從科幻小說跳脫出來進入真實世界。此种太空船是由Harold White所設計,他是根据1965「星際大戰」的電影圖畫。

Harold White 自2010年以來就致力發展可使太空船能比光速 (18萬6仟哩/秒)快的速度運行。

身為太空總署高等推力計劃團隊主管的White 在去年秋天的會議中談到他概念中的太空船。但當他發表太空船的外貌時,本周他對計劃的興趣達到了新水準。

依White的設計,由藝術家Mark Rademaker所創造的影像顯示出一种精密科技的太空船,它不會像在星際大戰電影中看起來零零落落的。Rademaker說花了1,600小時才創造出它們。

NASA's warp-speed spacecraft, designed by physicist Harold White, is based loosely on drawings Matthew Jeffries' 1965 drawings of "Star Trek's" Enterprise.

Artist Mark Rademaker created the visual representations of the warp-drive spacecraft based upon White's designs.


White and his team at NASA have been working on developing warp-drive technology, which would be able to bend space around a spacecraft, since 2010.

Warp-drive technology would allow for spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light, condensing thousands of years of space travel into days.


White named the spacecraft IXS Enterprise, referencing the ship from the "Star Trek" TV show. He says that parts of Jeffries' 1965 designs were mathematically correct.

      White 把太空船命名乃IXS Enterprise (九S企業号) ,他說1965年電影中的數學設計是正
White's design also was inspired by physicist Miguel Alcubierre's 1994 model. The version that White unveiled has much less empty space, increasing its efficiency.

Warp-drive technology doesn't exist yet, but these designs could potentially be an accurate representation of such a spacecraft.



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