2014年12月26日 星期五

One day when were young - 回憶從前,懷念舊人

One day when were young - 回憶從前,懷念舊人,或已垂老,或已作古,人生無常。下列名星或許是你年輕時的偶像,看看他/她們的豊采,再看看你現在鏡子中的容貌.....

Audrey Hepburn- 奧黛莉赫本

Rita Hayworth wearing sunglasses 1952

MM= Marylyn Monroe 瑪麗蓮夢露

Grace Kelly looking effortlessly chic.

Grace Kelly -演國王与我的葛雷絲凱莉

Sophia Loren wearing mod sunglasses

Sophia Loren-蘇菲亞 羅蘭

Brigitte bardot_glasses 法國艷星-BB-碧姬巴杜

Gregory Peck, 1946

Gregory Peck- 1946年照


Alain Delon

法國名星-亞蘭德倫-Alain Delon
STEVE SCHAPIRO - Warhol Hand, 1966  Steve Schapiaro

James Dean- 一生僅演三部電影即意外喪生, 享年24歲

甘迺迪遺孀- 賈桂林與希臘船業鉅子-Onasis

Jack Nicholson

Silvester Stallon-第一滴血与洛基男主角
  保羅紐曼-Paul Newman老人晚照

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

當今紅牌老生-George Clooney

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

阿諾- 終結者男主角. 前加州州長

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Frank Sinatra 與諧星-Jery Lewis
 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Al Pacino -教父男主角

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Kathleen Kennedy-大製片家與Stephen Spielberg -大導演

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Brad Pitt

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Chevy Chase -1979年
 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Sally Field 与Tom HNaks

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

年輕時的 Sean Connery- 西恩康納利-第一代007男主角

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Rober De Niro

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Mohhamad Ali-拳王阿里

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Brad Pitt & Edward Norton

 | Rare and beautiful celebrity photos

Hamphrey Bogard -老影帝-亨弗利飽嘉


