2014年12月17日 星期三


Solar sunflower inspired by nature could bring clean energy anywhere- 用大自然發電的太陽能可帶來乾淨的能源

The Sunflower Solar Harvester, being developed by the Swiss company Airlight Energy, tracks the sun like a sunflower and cools itself by pumping water through its veins like a plant. In the process, it produces heat, desalinated water, and refrigeration from the 12kW of energy it produces with just 10 hours of sunlight.

 At the core of the technology are IBM-designed water-cooled solar panels whose microchannels carry away the heat produced by the reflector mirrors. The flower-like array of reflectors concentrate the sun's energy more than 2000 times onto the six panels which each hold 25 photovoltaic chips.
At the core of the technology are IBM-designed water-cooled solar panels whose microchannels carry away the heat produced by the reflector mirrors. The flower-like array of reflectors concentrate the sun's energy more than 2000 times onto the six panels which each hold 25 photovoltaic chips


