2014年12月10日 星期三


I don't think anyone is ready for grief. But when it hits you, it knocks you out cold. I was told that tears and the sorrow would come in waves. For me, it's been more like a riptide or a tornado, constantly circling around me, whipping me in the face. Sometimes it stabs; sometimes it punches; sometimes it drowns me.  喪失家人的悲痛,無法比擬,有時像刀刺入,有時像重擊,有時使人溺斃....

To cope with her grief after his death, New Yorker Jinna Yang took a life-sized cutout of her father on a trip he'd dreamed of making. The dad-daughter team posed for shots across Europe, including Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland (pictured).


Yang says Iceland (pictured) was the most "life-changing" destination her. "The entire country seems like another planet sometimes," she says.
Yang says Iceland (pictured) was the most "life-changing" destination her. "The entire country seems like another planet sometimes," she says.

在冰島合照- 她說冰島是生活變化最大的地方,整個國家有時似乎像門、牆的另一部分

Jay Kwon Yang died from stomach cancer in 2012. He'd always wanted to see Europe and Africa. He was just 52 when he died.   他生前一直想看巴黎
Jay Kwon Yang died from stomach cancer in 2012. He'd always wanted to see Europe and Africa. He was just 52 when he died楊先生2012年得胃癌,亡故時僅52歲

"I consider myself an artist, and when I set out on this mission I wanted to honor my father's memory and take beautiful photos," says Yang, who visited the Louvre (pictured) in Paris.
"I consider myself an artist, and when I set out on this mission I wanted to honor my father's memory and take beautiful photos," says Yang, who visited the Louvre (pictured) in Paris.


"I have a friend whose father helped me score the cutout so that it folded in and out," Yang says, here at Rome's Colosseum. "It became portable enough to carry around after I folded it up."


"The only reason I work to follow my dreams is because I know that (my family) have worked their (butts) off to give me this opportunity," Yang wrote on her blog. "My father is one of the most selfless people I know, and to have him in my life is my greatest motivation." 義大利佛羅侖斯Domo

Yang says her father was a PGA-certified pro golfer, but couldn't go on tour because he had to raise her and her brother. The Leaning Tower of Pisa made a backdrop for one the duo's memorable photos.    義大利比薩斜塔

Dad and daughter made it all the way to the Italian Riviera at Levanto, Italy.

義大利 Riviera海邊

"Many people stopped me in the street, asking me if it was a famous person," says Yang, here at London's St. Paul's Cathedral.


Iceland's Blue Lagoon (pictured) proved theraputic for the grieving Yang. "I had talked about going backpacking through Europe, but when I started planning the trip, it gave me something to look forward to again. I discovered hope in my future again."

冰鳥的 Blue Lagoon島

 "I had talked about going backpacking through Europe, but when I started planning the trip, it gave me something to look forward to again. I discovered hope in my future again.


