Japan's Ocean Spiral proposed as giant underwater city-未來日本的巨大海底城市

Spiral staircase- 螺旋狀的梯階-an underwater metropolis which generates its own energy from the seabed, produces food from deep sea aquaculture and is capable of providing accommodation for 5,000 people

Divided into three distinctive zones, the structure will stretch all the way to the crushing black depths 2.8 miles under the sea.
A giant sphere with a diameter 500 meters (1,640 feet) situated just below the surface will form the first section and house residential zones, businesses and hotels.
Residents and visitors will enter via the upper level of the facility here
A giant sphere with a diameter 500 meters (1,640 feet) situated just below the surface will form the first section and house residential zones, businesses and hotels.
Residents and visitors will enter via the upper level of the facility here

在海底- This inhabited area will be connected to a nine-mile spiral (section 2) that will descend to the seabed where a deep-sea submarine port and factory (section 3) will create the energy required to power the sphere by using micro-organisms found there to turn carbon dioxide into methane.
Power generators situated along the spiral will then use differences in seawater temperature to create additional energy by applying thermal conversion technologies

At home in the Ocean- 海洋中的住家