2014年12月28日 星期日


Miami Businessman First to Fly In World's Fanciest Airplane Suite

Miami Businessman First to Fly In World's Fanciest Airplane Suite- 邁阿密商人首位搭乘最貴的豪華飛機客艙

Hitman: Agent 47

13 Films We Know Will Be Box Office Bombs in 2015- 有13部電影會成2015年票房炸彈, 很難預測將來賣不賣座, 有些聽起來不怎樣

It is hard to predict what will fail or succeed in the future. But even at a distance, some movies sound like a bad idea.

1 Man's $10 Billion Loss in Las Vegas Sands- 拉斯維加斯賭場損失一佰億元-

老闆名叫Sheldon Adelson 

Adelson 與家人

Watch Five Huge Airbus A350s Perform Stunt Formations- 五架巨大空中巴士客機編隊飛行


To Sua Ocean Trench Is Your New Happy Place In Samoa- 三毛亞島上的海溝是你新的渡假處

Heightened radiation reading lend credence to the argument that Nazi scientists utilized the newly discovered bunkers for atomic research.

Nazi ‘Nuclear Weapons’ Complex Discovered In Austria-納粹飛彈研究室在奧地利找到

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1710313/nazi-nuclear-weapons-complex-discovered-in-austria/#lBpXMU5ajqjtvCkr.99


