2024年3月20日 星期三



1. 表示請求對方做某事時,不可以用”May you please……..?”如果加上please, 最好說:Could you please move your car? (請你移走車子。)當然用Would you please ….. 更好,更客氣的說法是:would you mind moving your car? 或用:Move your car if you please. 

2. qualify:指人有資格可以做….. 事:

Let me check if you qualify (錯誤)讓我查一下看看你符不符合資格。

Let me check if you are qualified. (正確)


Qualify 是vt. 及物動詞。正確用法必須用被動語態:某人+be qualified for +名詞

                to +v. (有資格做…..)

Those qualified for the positions must submit their applications by the weekend. (凡是符合資格𣇸,必須在周五前送出申請表)

按:-fy 結尾的字,均為及物動詞,若不加受詞則必須用被動語態:classified documents (加密文件):classified ads(分類廣告)

    Please identify yourself . 請表明身分

3. 英文表示「至於;關於」的表達法:

A. 用concerning, regarding, respecting 此三字用作介系詞,後須接名詞:

Concerning the latest issue, we will take proper actions. (至於最近的問題,我們會採取適當行動。

B. 用with (或in) regard (respect, reference) to +名詞

Nothing is mentioned with regard to his motive. (未提到他下一個動機)

C.as regards, (regard必須加s)但不可以用in regards to 

例:As regards the side effects, further research is needed. 至於副作用,仍需要進一步研究。

4. 說We are looking forward to see you. 是錯誤的。 必須說We are looking forward to seeing you. 因為to 是介系詞,後面須接V+ing. 類似用法: With a view to making both ends meet, he has to work at two jobs. 為了使收支平衡,他不得不做兩份工作。


Justin Lai (賴正雄)


