2014年11月18日 星期二


Thirteen Things a Person with Strong Mental Might Will Never Do - By Amy Morin, a Psycho-therapist

1)      浪費時間自艾自憐-
Wasting time on self-complaint and self-pity.

2)      放棄主導自己的權力
Giving up one’s own power of directing oneself.

3)      害怕改變
Fearing changes or alterations.

4)      浪費精力在無法掌控的事物上
Wasting energy on things beyond control.

5)      擔心如何取悅他人
Worrying about how to please others.

6)      恐懼評估風險
Standing in awe of evaluating a risk.

7)      沈湎過往
Intoxicating oneself on one’s glorious past.

8)      重複犯一樣的錯誤
Repeating same mistakes

9)      忌妒他人的成功
Being envious of others’ success.

10)  一失敗就放棄
Giving up as soon as one meets with failure.

11)  害怕獨處的時光
Standing aghast when one is alone.

12)  覺得世界虧欠自己
Feeling that the world is owing him something.

13)  期待立竿見影的成果
Expecting instant success.


