2013年12月18日 星期三

嚴 冬Winter Extreme (4)

Winter Extreme (4)

To experience such piercing-cold weather, I decided to walk outdoors the other day with blowing snow.  Before stepping out of my house, I was warmly dressing myself with a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and a pair of rubber shoes for rainy weather, and an umbrella, and among other things a cell phone in case of emergency. Stepping on the sidewalk, I almost fell, oh, boy! Because the snow was as deep as 4 inches. Then to keep balance, I tried to walk on by moving to the community street/ avenue (because of less or no traffic at this time), especially on the traces of which driven and pressed by vehicles before. The traces were steadier and easier to move on. After walking for ten minutes, I was satisfied with my choice and what I was doing. But, when I turned to a main street, there was heavier traffic; I found it hard to keep moving on it.  Because there was only a narrow margin between vehicles passing by and me. Though no drivers honked at me, it was dangerous, so I moved on to the sidewalk again, trying to find discernable footsteps to follow them. Now for safety I was really “following someone’s footsteps!” And it did make me pace up. 

為了體騐如此刺骨的冷天氣,前幾天在落雪飄飄中我決定走到室外去。離開家之前我穿得暖暖地-厚外衣、帽子、手套、雨鞋、一把衣傘,尤其帶了手機以備急用。一踏上人行道我就差一點滑到,真糟糕! 因有4吋的積雪。然後為了保持平穩,我試圖走上社區街道(因此時交通量較少) ,尤其走在車輛已走過的車輪痕跡之上。在這些痕跡上走,較安穩和容易。走了十分鐘後,我滿意這樣的選擇。可是等我上了主街道時,交通量就多起來了。發覺走下去有點困難,因為我與駛過的車輛之間的空間很少,很危險。雖無司機對我按喇叭,但還是危險。因此我又上人行道,想在上面找到可清楚辨認,別人走過的脚印,再循脚印走下去。為了安全起見,我真的『正在跟隨他人脚步走 (另有仿效之意),也使我速度加快。

Someone might laugh at me for “being a bitter fool to be walking alone on a biting-cold day against a bitter snow storm.” In fact, I was on my way to a pharmacy to have my medications refilled. Half way to it, unfortunately, I lost my way due to the sheer whiteness of snow everywhere.  While trying to figure out the direction of the pharmacy, a car stopped by me, asking to offer me help.  The driver was an old lady, with her husband on the passenger side. She kindly asked the pharmacy’s phone number, calling it for me, and making sure of its exact direction. Then the old lady was even so gracious as to offer to give me a lift. Thanks to her kind help, I was immediately taken to the pharmacy and soon was dropped off. Well, on a cold snowy day, I had the luck to have an encounter with a lady having an exceedingly warm heart.  If the same thing had happened in LA, I might have been left alone on the road. I had a feeling that despite the freezing weather outdoors, people’s heart is warm. At least my heart was benevolently warmed.


Though it usually takes me 25 minutes to walk to the pharmacy, now it took me as long as one hour.  Notwithstanding, it not only manifests something, but convinces me as well that there are indeed, people here in Seattle with more generosity, compassion and benevolence than elsewhere.


During the snow storms, the senior citizens may find it inconvenient or uneasy to live a day as they do routinely or normally, especially those without power at home. But to me still some people are brave and determined enough to face and to cope with the odds or obstacle from nature. That’s human nature.  Big snow storms are indeed a challenge to people all right, but are there people who benefit from them and enjoy most?  Yes. I think it is school children. They are enjoying care-free days of “no schools”, (due to the closure of schools) having fun skiing or skating on the ice in front or back yard! Blessed are those who are young and innocent! 


01/22/2012 (除夕夜) Seattle, WA U.S.A.
12/16/2013 revised

Justin Lai  中英文

