2013年12月1日 星期日

靈修的話-8- Hope 希望(2)

靈修的話-8 Hope 希望(2)

Hope is the balm that soothes the pain希望是解痛的萬金油

When sorrows come to call, 當悲傷來臨時

The anodyne that heals the hurt 鎮痛劑治癒傷痛

And take the fears away. 並使恐懼消失。

Hope is the star that leads the way希望是導路的明星

Throughout the silent night在寧靜的通宵裡

When dreams have been shattered當夢想破碎

And no relief’s in sight. 救援無望時。

Hope is the prayer that’s answered希望是我們如願的禱告

One step at a time, 一步一步來

When mountains become molehills當難事變易事

That we will have to climb. 使我們輕易做

Life always has its ups and downs人生難免有起伏

And we must learn to cope, 我們必須學會去克服

For failures are never fatal因為失敗從未是致命的

As long as there is hope. 只要希望尚存。

摘自Salesian Inspirational Books.


Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。

Justin Lai選譯




