Beautiful Tattoos on Female -
A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting ink, either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.-紋身乃改變皮膚外表,用墨水注入皮膚外層以改變膚色。
Does tatoo add charm to feminine beauty? 刺青真增加女
An 1888 Japanese woodblock print of a prostitute biting her handkerchief in pain as her arm is tattooed. Based on historical practice, the tattoo is likely the name of her lover.-1888年日本妓女在手臂上,口中咬緊手帕,忍痛刺上男友名字
The cosmetic surgery industry continues to see a trend of increased popularity for both surgical and noninvasive procedures (Gimlin 2002; Sullivan 2001).
A Christian couple with matching cross symbol tattoos to associate with their faith-一對基督徒夫婦
Tattooing among females of the Koita people of Papua New Guinea traditionally began at age five and was added to each year, with the V-shaped tattoo on the chest indicating that she had reached marriageable age. Photo taken in 1912. 新幾內亞少女,五歲起開始紋身
Of course, only when you are young with supple and flexible skin can you sustain and enjoy the beauty of tatoos on your skin. 當然,年輕時,皮膚又富有弾性,方能享受到身上紋身之美. It is somehow a privilege of being young!! 它是年輕的一種特權。
Justin Lai 編譯