2014年4月24日 星期四


Man knows where to place hand
Man knows where to place hands. 男人總知道該把手放在何處
It runs in the family
It runs in the family    本歸一家.

The turtle gets attention
The turtle gets attention! 烏龜終於惹人注意了..... 

Boat floating on clear blue waters
The boat floating on clear blue waters. 小船漂浮在清澈、碧藍的水面上

Cute kitten likes warmth from the boot

Cute kitten likes warmth from the boot. 伶巧的小貓喜歡取暖的方式

Frozen Dew Drops

Frozen Dew Drops? 露珠也會結凍?

Compassion starts early in life

Compassion starts early in life. 對動物的愛心,開始於幼童時

Adorarble reaction to the surprise visitor

Adorable reaction to the surprise visitor. 對不速之客親切的反應

Grabbing hold from a different perspective

Grabbing hold from a different perspective. 從不同觀點來看支撐力

Dunking like a boss

Dunking like a boss 借力投籃,勢不可擋.

Everyone wants their hand on the ball

Everyone wants their hand on the ball! 大家争著接球!

Amazing rainbow right in front

Amazing rainbow right in front. 驚艶的彩虹就在眼前

Justin Lai 編譯



