2014年3月25日 星期二



1)     吃肥走瘦: djD bw0 dza? san
意譯:It is not worth while to go a long way to attend a feast and come back. It is exhausting.

2)  無牛駛馬:《boh E? sa0 `be
   (謙虛用詞) –本人雖不如牛健壯耐勞,但缺少牛隻狀况下,暫時代用 (但中國北方與西北方的耕作是以馬代替水牛)
直譯:Horses are substituted for cows in plowing and other farming work. (用馬取代牛隻耕種)
意譯: Less qualified people replace more qualified one for the time being. (暫時以較不够資格者取代)

3)*棺材腐一半E?anh tsah a? dI0t b?anh: 棺木已腐朽一半
直譯:Half of the coffin is rotten.
意譯: I have already lived most of my life. 人生過了大半以上

4) 抹壁雙面光b?a b0ah s0an b0n Enh》處事中立,不偏袒兩方之一方
      直譯:In plastering a wall, both sides are smooth finished.(塗刷牆壁時,兩面兼顧)
意譯:One takes sides with neither party.  Being neutral

5) 龜腳躊出來E?h kah so ts? la0》露出馬脚
直譯:The feet of a turtle are disclosed.
意譯:Some bad qualities of a person betray him.

Justin Lai


