2014年3月7日 星期五

高爾夫球趣聞 (16)

高爾夫球趣聞 (16)

1.     Nixon's Trade-off. By the time you get dressed, drive out there, play eighteen holes and come home, you've blown seven hours. There are better things you can do with your time.

2.     Playing golf in Australia, that’s the shit that I have to put up with (too many kangaroos on the course)
在澳州打球真他X的, 就是要容忍球塲上(的許多袋鼠跑來干擾)

3.     You are 150 yards from Center of Green; you are 175 yards from a $200.00 glass window.  Choose your club carefully.
你離果嶺中央150碼離,而離一面價值$200.00元名貴玻璃窗户175, 請慎重選擇你的球桿

4.     When primitive man screamed and beat the ground with sticks, they called it WITCHCRAFT. When modern man does the same thing, they call it GOLF.
原始人用棍子擊地並驚叫著, 這叫巫術, 現代人這麽做則叫打高爾夫球

5.     If it goes right, it’s a slice. 球向右叫切球
If it goes left, it’s a hook. 球向左叫鈎球
If it goes straight, it’s a miracle. 球直向走, 叫奇蹟

B.J. Hsu提供

Justin Lai


