- 1) *袂曉駛船嫌溪獈-不會開船者抱怨溪面大窄直譯:One who is unable to steer a boat complains about the narrowness of a stream.意譯:One who is incapable complains about unfavorable circumstances. 做事無能者抱怨客觀環境不好2) 坐船的人呣知船咧晃-略近當局者迷,旁觀者清直譯:Those on a boat are not aware that the boat is shaking.意譯:Those in a game are not aware of the situation as clearly as spectators.3) 一時風駛一時船-見機行事直譯:Based on the wind type or speed, one is steering a boat.意譯:One takes actions in accordance with situations or circumstances present.4) 双脚踏双船-三心兩意/心猿意馬直譯:feet stepping on two boats.意譯:aiming at two things at the same time5) 船破海沈底-計劃失敗,全盤損失直譯:With broken holes, a ship will sink.意譯:Should a plan fail, one will suffer complete lossJustin Lai03/03/2014全聯會
2014年3月3日 星期一
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