
His Touch Inspires, Encourages and Heals
Oh, Lord, I do hear You…. 主啊,我的確聽到你的聲音
I hear You every day; 我每天都聽到
And I see the amazing beauty 也看到驚人之美
That you always send my way! 它總是朝我送過來!
So, I’d never take for
granted 因此我永不視為理所當然
This kind offering
from You, 這件你恩賜的慈善禮物,
As I travel throughout my lifetime- 當我歷經我的一生時-
I love all you say and do! 我敬愛你說的話,和所做的一切
You inspire me to go, 你激勵我向前
Yet, another exhausting mile- 但在另一場令人疲憊的旅程中
After a short disheartened while. 在我經歷一個短暫灰心的片刻之後。
You encourage me to do 你鼓勵我去做
All the things that are close and dear; 所有迫切和親切的事
As you fill my anxious soul with lots of hope-當你讓我焦慮的心中充滿無限希望時
I feel You near! 就感覺你就在身邊!
You’re there to console me, Lord, 主啊,你在身邊安慰我,
When life seems rather grim- 當我的人生暗淡時-
Oh, how you heal my weary heart 哦,你辛苦治癒我疲憊的心
Over and over again! 一再地!
I know each day is special, 我明白,每一天都是特別的
All these treasures that I’m given- 你所賜給我的所有財寶-
That’s why I see that life is precious 也因此我才明白生命是寶貴的
And very much worth livin’! 並且頗值珍視
Please know that I trust and love You, Lord, 主啊,請明白我信賴並仰慕你
And I know how much you care- 我知道你多麼護衛我
Yes, I feel You with me every day…. 是的,我感覺你天天陪伴我
And see Your fingerprints everywhere! 我處處看到你的痕跡
禱告者:By Dianne Cogar
節錄自:Condensed from Salesian
Inspirational Books

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life
for the shepherd. (11) When the hired hand sees the wolf coming, he
leaves the sheep and runs away. That’s because he isn’t the shepherd; the sheep
aren’t really his. So the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters them.
(12)- Common English Bible
2) I am the good shepherd.
The Good Shepherd risks and lays down his (own) life for the sheep (11).
But the hired servant (he who merely serves for wages) who is neither the
shepherd nor the owner of the sheep, when he sees the wolf coming, deserts
the flock and runs away. And the
wolf chases and snatches
them and scatters (the flock) (12)-Amplified Bible
以上兩種英譯本與中文版大同小異。此兩節均為比喻,Shepherd應指神,這些羊(眾生)乃神之主民。神有義務護衛其子民,免受惡人(狼群) 之傷害。
Lai (賴正雄) 編譯
P.S. 因尚未取得Salesian
Inspirational Books新書,『靈修的話』下周起擬暫停。