2014年2月2日 星期日



1)    初一早、初二早,初三睏到飽

(民間歲時節令原有調節生活作息之用,從除夕到初二連續忙碌三天之後,初三就休息一天。初三俗稱「赤狗日」,是諸事不宜的日子,因此可以「睏到飽」) 農曆初一、初二是拜祭祖先,或探()墓厝(祖墳) ,故早起,初三則可以多睡
On lunar calendar, on the first and second day of New Year, people get up earlier, to worship their ancestors or visit ancestors’ tombs while on the third day they can sleep as late they want. (早與飽押韻)

2)    有父有母初三、() 四,無父無母隨人去

父母尚存,出嫁的女兒大年在初三初或四回娘家(轉外家);若父母過世,何時回娘家不拘 (四與去押韻)- 註:也有地方初二回娘家
On the third or fourth day of January on Lunar Calendar, married daughters come back home to visit parents (with the company of their brother) if they are alive. If parents pass away, the daughters can visit their maiden homes any time they like.

3)     先吃一塊發粿,乎您年年賺家伙 (粿與伙押韻)

On being invited to others’home for a meal, guests start the meal by eating a piece of cake, and saying something auspicious or wishing good luck to the host and hostess.
Eating a piece of rice cake, we are wishing you good fortunes every year.
4)    坐乎圓圓,乎大家大賺錢 (與錢押韻)

Sitting around the round table, people are sure to make a fortune.

5)    初五隔開、初六挹肥 (士農工商)


The fifth day is the end of the New Year holidays. Every walk of people begin to work on the sixth day. Farmers will be busy spraying natural fertilizers on fruits and vegetables. (挹音讀ark, 即施灑水肥)



