- 1. A bad golf shot always travels far enough to land in more trouble.揮桿不佳的球總是飛得够遠而落在更麻煩之處(球飛遠着落點不一定理想)2. I once gave up golf. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life.我曾經一度放棄不打球。它是我一生中最令人可怕的周末 (球不打難受極了)3. Missing golfer-husband and dog. Reward for DOG.失踪的球員-丈夫與狗。撿到DOG的人有酬勞(先生不要)- 第二句僅用DOG大寫,强調要狗不要人,真有「人不如狗」之意,或丈夫被拐跑,老娘不要4. Golf is not a matter of life and death. It is much more important than that.高爾夫並非生死攸關的大事,但它比生死更重要(愛打球得要死)5. Work is for people who don't have time for golf.沒有時間打高爾夫者才去上班(打球勝於工作)6. Showing up at a golf course as an adult with your own clubs is like showing up for a final exam. It's assumed you know something about the subject.像位成年人帶著球桿來球塲,就像去参加期末考一般。人家以為你知道要考的科目是什麽。(有備而來?)02/20/14B.J. Hsu提供Justin Lai譯全聯會
2014年2月20日 星期四
高爾夫球趣聞 (15)
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