2017年10月11日 星期三

Sigh for FB 為臉書哀嘆

Sigh for FB 為臉書哀嘆

On FB your postings are always drifting…
Popping in, and out…見怪不怪
No wonder, but you wonder your postings are missing.
The record on FB can not live on unless….
Someone else keep saying 「讚」。
Unfortunately, some cannot differ 「讚」from「鑽」;
The latter means: “Fxxk you!” or “Shit!”.

However, all postings on Line, Google’s Blog stay,
Not FB, where people are driven crazy.
Keep posting all the time. Not knowing why
Is that the way life is ?

A friend on FB asks me, “Do I know you, talking to me?”
“What difference does it make?” reply I.
“Tom, Dick and Harry (阿狗) are friends online”.

But, is friendship easy come and easy go, on FB?
Some say yesothers say no.
I utter a sigh, whispering good-bye
Good-bye to my short-lived happiness.
Given by a pick-up of mine…..

Justin Lai


