Victoria and Abdul:
The Friendship that Scandalized
Near the end of her reign, Queen Victoria developed a friendship with an
Indian servant, elevating him to trusted advisor and infuriating her court.
By Kristin Hunt (作者)
September 20, 2017 (日期)

As part of the
festivities to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden
Jubilee, celebrating
50 years on the throne, the Queen hosted dozens of foreign rulers at a lavish
banquet. She led a grand procession to Westminster Abbey in open carriage,
escorted by the Indian cavalry, greeted screaming crowds on her palace balcony,
and enjoyed fireworks in the garden. But of all the jubilee’s memorable events,
it was the queen’s encounter with Abdul Karim that became the most significant.
The young man had arrived in the United Kingdom as a “gift from India,” one
intended to help Victoria address the Indian princes at her banquet. Karim
would quickly prove to be the queen’s most trusted confidant, and the most
despised member of the royal court.
維多利亞女王(1837-1901)在位50年,作為慶祝活動之一部分,女王舉辦豪華盛宴,宴請數十位外國統治者。由印度騎兵護送,她乘坐敞篷馬車,帶領盛大遊行隊伍,來到西敏寺大教堂,站在她宮殿的陽臺上,迎接歡呼尖叫的人群,和在花園裡觀賞煙火表演。但在這令人難忘的就位50周年慶祝會中,最重要的莫過於,認識了一位印度人-阿卜杜勒 · 卡裡姆。這位年輕人以"從印度送來的禮物"的身分,抵達英國,旨在幫助女王,在她的宴會中,向印度王子們發表演說。卡裡姆 將迅速證明是女王最信賴的密友,但也是最被皇家宮廷所鄙視的成員。
Victoria’s unusually close friendship with her Indian servant began at the 1887
celebration and spanned 14 years, a period captured in the new movie Victoria & Abdul,
starring Judi Dench as the titular queen. Karim was the queen’s beloved munshi, the teacher who
gave her daily Urdu lessons, educated her on Indian affairs, and introduced her
to curry. Queen Victoria in turn showered him with gifts, titles and honors,
much to the resentment of the royal family. When the queen died in 1901, her
children burned every letter she sent Karim, whom they unceremoniously
deported back to India. Yet his record lives on, thanks in large part to
his diary, preserved by generations of descendants.
維多利亞女王與她印度僕人之間,異常密切的友誼,是從1887年的慶祝活動開始,然後漫延了14 年,這段時間的故事被新電影「維多利亞
& 阿卜杜勒」捕捉為主題,主演者為裘蒂丹奇,扮演正式稱號的皇后。卡裡姆是女王心愛的 “munshi”-即私人老師,每天授教授她烏爾都語,和印度事務,並介紹如何烹煮咖喱食物。相對地,維多利亞女王慷慨地送他許多禮品、頭銜和榮譽。這些在在使得王室十分不滿。當女王
1901 年去世時,她的孩子們燒毀她寄給的他每一封信。他們毫不客氣地把卡裡姆遞解送回印度。然而,他的記錄繼續傳下,主要因為他的子孫們,世世代代保存了他記載的日記。

That diary was
only recently unearthed by Shrabani Basu, the historian who wrote the movie’s source
text. As Basu recounts in her book of
the same name, Karim was born near Jhansi, the second-oldest child of six. His
father, Haji Wuzeeruddin, was a hospital assistant, a skilled position that
required some medical qualifications. While this occupation did not place
Wuzeeruddin in the upper class, it was a good job, one that allowed him to hire
a Maulvi, or Muslim scholar, to tutor his son. Under the Maulvi’s tutelage,
Karim learned both Persian and Urdu. He eventually secured a clerk position at
a jail in Agra, one where his father and the brothers of his soon-to-be wife
both worked. It was there that Karim was handpicked to serve the somewhat
recently christened Empress of India, Queen

那本日記最近才被Shrabani 巴蘇發現,她是寫電影原劇本之歷史學家。如同巴蘇在她的同名的書中所述,卡裡姆出生于附近一個叫占夕的地方,他是六個孩子家庭中的老二。他的父親,哈吉 Wuzeeruddin 是一位醫院助理,這個技術性的職位,需要一些醫療人員的資格。雖然這個職位沒有把哈吉安置到上層階級中,但它是一個收入好的工作,使他有能力聘用一位毛维,或者又稱穆斯林的回教學者,來當他兒子的家庭教師。在他細心指導下,卡裡姆學習波斯文和烏爾都語。他最終獲得在一座叫阿格拉監獄的一個辦事員的工作。他父親和他的未婚妻的兄弟們,也在此處工作。就在那裡,卡裡姆被精心挑選,去為最近才被命名為,印度女皇的維多利亞女王服務。
The jail
superintendent, John Tyler, offered Karim the opportunity. Tyler had recently
escorted 34 inmates to the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 in London,
where he showed off the carpets they had woven as part of their rehabilitation program. Queen Victoria was impressed, and had asked Tyler
during his trip about selecting two Indian attendants to assist her at her
Golden Jubilee. The men would facilitate communication with Indian dignitaries
and wait on the queen. Karim was paired with Mohamed Buxshe, an experienced
servant who ran the household of a British general. Compared with Buxshe, Karim
was woefully unprepared for his new duties. But before he departed for London,
he received a crash course in palace etiquette and the English language, as well as a
brand-new wardrobe.

監獄主管,約翰.泰勒,給予卡裡姆此機會。泰勒最近才押運 34 名囚犯,到1886 年倫敦的殖民地和印度展覽館。他在那裡展示了受刑人所編織的地毯,作為他們新生計畫的一部分。這事給女王留下深刻印象,女王要求泰勒在他的回程途中,挑選兩位印度奴僕,協助她在登基時服侍她。這兩位的工作是,輔佐女王與印度政要溝通和侍候女王。和卡裡姆 配對的人叫穆罕默德 · Buxshe,他是經驗豐富的僕人,他曾為一名英國將軍作管家。與 Buxshe 相比,卡裡姆是完全沒有為他的新職務做好準備。但在他動身去倫敦之前,他接受宮廷禮儀和英語課程的臨時惡補,以及一座全新的衣櫃。
Victoria’s first impression of Karim was recorded in her diaries, where
she deemed him “tall
with a fine serious countenance.” After their jubilee duties concluded, Karim
and Buxshe traveled with the queen to her summer home on the Isle of Wight.
There, Karim distinguished himself by surprising the sovereign with one of his
favorite recipes. Using spices he had brought from Agra, Karim cooked a chicken
curry with dal and pilau. According to Victoria biographer A.N. Wilson,
the queen declared the dish “excellent” and added it to her regular menu
維多利亞女王把對卡裡姆的第一印象,記錄在她的日記中,她記著:她認為『他身材高大,有好看、嚴肅的臉部表情』。慶祝登基活動結束後,卡裡姆和另一位叫Buxshe的印度人, 陪伴她到在維特島上的夏天行宮。在那裡,卡裡姆以他最拿手的菜肴之一,令女王驚訝,也使他成名。卡裡姆使用他從印度阿格拉地區帶來的辣椒香料,烹調出含dal 和 pilau作料的咖喱雞。據維多利亞女王的傳記作者,繆威爾遜的記述,女王宣稱這道菜為"最佳菜肴",並將其添加到平常,輪番更換的食譜中。

《Queen Victoria in Dublin:女王逝世前一年(1900) 到都柏林出巡的視頻》
Justin Lai 編譯