What is the Month, August derived from?
Julius Caesar (凱撒大帝)- 不経一事不長一智
is known for many thigs, including the dog days of summer, National
Watermelon Day(Aug. 3) and National Smile Week (Aug5-11). But there
are many other fun facts associated with summer’s last full month. August is
named after Augustus Caeser, founder and the first emperor of the Roman Empire,
who was posthumously adopted by his materal great-uncle Gaius Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar所收養的遺腹子。
In the
first Roman Calender, Augus was actually the sixth month of the year. It was originally 30 days in length, but an
extra day was added so that it would equal the number of days in July, who was
named Julius Caesar.
在羅馬人首次的月曆中,Augus -八月這個月份是六月。原先只有30天。但後來增加一天,以便與七月份相同日數。而July-七月此字乃紀念凱撒大帝。
has two birthstones: peridot and sardonyx. Peridot is among the oldest known gemstones
and is green in color. Sardonyx, whi is lesser-known, is a white and
brown-banded gemstones once believed to have mystical powers.
绿宝石 白棕色宝石
The official flower for August is the gladious.
These vertical growing flowers were named from the
Latin “gladius”,” meaning a sword.
八月正式的花是劍蘭。這些垂直生長的花,源自拉丁文-gladius, 即寶劍之意。
8月3日 西瓜節 8月微笑周
Fans of Elvis Presley also mourn each Aug.
16th, the day the famed singer died in 1977.
by Justin Lai(編)