兩人將在佛州川普私人別墅-Mar-A-Lago作兩日面談,內容除亞洲太平洋地區安全局勢外,也包含重要雙邊經貿關係: (regional security and bilateral trade. )及可能引起的兩國貿易戰(trade war).
習近平的個性十分重視個人交情. 但此次高峰會之成敗與否,端看兩位領袖能否展現,理性,尊重和信賴對方的個人關係(The success or failure of this summit, however, may also be judged by whether the two presidents can develop a sensible, respectful, and even trusting personal connection. )
兩人的感情「搏」得起來? Will Trump and Xi be able to foster a personal bond? 兩人剛強的個性會有衝突? 面對的問題如此具爭議性,以致無法磨合? 兩人如何破冰?
Might the strong personalities of these two leaders clash? Will the issues they confront be so contentious that any substantial agreement or deliverable becomes virtually impossible, as some analysts in both countries have argued?
[T]he personal connection between these two leaders is likely to have a strategic impact on the world’s most consequential bilateral relationship.-
Xi and Trump also seem to differ considerably in their temperaments and styles of public communication. 川習兩人個性差異極大, 處事風格亦大不相同. 前者提倡害實現中國夢(Chinese dream);後者大力主張「“make America great again.”」兩人強調改變(appealing to the public for the change)和反貪(fighting corruption)
兩人廣泛地抑制自由媒體;和知識份子關係緊張.兩人相似之處,比一般觀察者更多.Both are widely seen as restraining a free press and having tense relations with public intellectuals. 但兩人出身背景不同,習從基層幹起,行政經驗豐富;川普長年的商人,由選舉登上總統寶座,商人治國理念高於一切.
以唱歌出身的中國第一夫人-彭麗媛, 和美國一些私人机構互動頻,包括公共衛生,孤兒照顧,教育交換等.和比爾蓋玆的基金會亦有互動. 紐約著名的茱莉亞音樂學院(Juilliard),在中國唯一的分校,開始招生.而習的女兒,己從哈佛大學心理系畢業.
美國人關切的是「川普如何阻止中國不讓美國人吃飯」(how Trump stops China from eating our lunch?)另外,北韓此時此刻仍不停試射導彈,雖然川普己撂下重話「若中國不管,我們管!!」
Justin Lai 編譯