The Fed and Fiscal Policy-聯儲局和會計政策(2)
Fiscal policy influences the economy through many channels. The econometric models used at the Fed for constructing forecasts tend to summarize fiscal effects in terms of changes in aggregate demand or aggregate supply. For example, a rise in spending on public infrastructure, or a tax cut that prompts consumers to spend more, increases demand. Fiscal policies also affect aggregate supply, for example, through the incentives provided by the tax code. To project the impact of a proposed fiscal package on the economy, Fed modelers and policymakers must assess the size and timing of these demand and supply effects, which they do based both on theory and historical experience.
The effects of a fiscal program also depend on the state of the economy when the program is put in place. When I was Fed chair, I argued on a number of occasions against fiscal austerity (tax increases, spending cuts). The economy at the time was suffering from high unemployment, and with monetary policy operating close to its limits, I pushed (unsuccessfully) for fiscal policies to increase aggregate demand and job creation.
Today, with the economy approaching full employment, the need for demand-side stimulus, while perhaps not entirely gone, is surely much less than it was three or four years ago. There is still a case for fiscal policy action today, but to increase output without unduly increasing inflation the focus should be on improving productivity and aggregate supply—for example, through improved public infrastructure that makes our economy more efficient or tax reforms that promote private capital investment.
今天,隨著經濟接近充分使用,對於需求刺激力全方位的需要,雖然也許不完全消失,但肯定是遠遠小於三或四年前。還有雖然今天仍有需要,採取會計政策,但為了增加產量,而不過度增加通貨膨脹,我們的聚焦點應放在改進生產力和總供給量 — 例如,藉由使我們的經濟更有效率,已改善的公共基礎設施,或促進私人資本投資的稅收改革。
While it’s hard to know how much of the market’s optimism reflects expected policy changes under the new administration, the rise in equities, interest rates, and the dollar since the election is precisely the configuration that standard macroeconomics would predict in anticipation of a Trump-backed fiscal expansion.
(A similar pattern occurred in the early Reagan years, which was dominated by tax cuts, increased military spending, higher deficits, and rate increases by the Federal Reserve.) According to the minutes of the December 13-14 Fed meeting, monetary policymakers were quite aware of the market’s expectations for fiscal policy, and the staff included in its forecast a “provisional assumption” of a more expansionary fiscal stance.
(類似的模式發生在雷根總統執政的早期年代,此模式的主要特色是,稅收削減,增加軍費開支、 高赤字,以及美聯儲的加息)。依照美聯儲(2016年) 12 月13-14日的會議記錄顯示,貨幣政策制定者相當清楚,市場對會計政策的期待,和包括工作人員所作,更具擴張性的財政立場的一項"臨時假設"的預測。
待續-(to be continued)
Justin Lai 編譯