2017年11月25日 星期六


9 Foods to Help You Sleep-
作者: Karen Ansel, M.S., R.D.N.
Mango & Kiwi with Fresh Lime Zest
Fact: Women who report better sleep were 33 percent more likely to hit their weight-loss goals, according to a study published in the journal Obesity. Whether you want to doze your way slim, or you just want to wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning, check out these foods that help you sleep.

1. Kiwi (吉利果)
Green Fruit Salad
Recipe to Try: Green Fruit Salad
食譜嘗試: 綠色水果沙拉
This green fruit may be the ultimate pre-bed snack. When volunteers ate two kiwis an hour before hitting the hay, they slept almost a full extra hour, found research from Taipei Medical University in Taiwan. Kiwis are full of vitamins C and E, serotonin and folate—all of which may help you snooze.
這種綠色的水果可能是最後的睡前小吃。臺灣臺北醫科大學的研究發現,當志願參與實驗者,在睡前一小時吃掉兩個吉利果時,他們幾乎多睡了整整一個小時。吉利果含維他命 C E、血清素和葉酸,所有這些都可以助你打盹。

2. Soy foods (豆類食物)
South of the Border Buddha Bowl
食譜嘗試: 接近佛教素食
Foods made with soy such as tofu, miso and edamame, are rich in isoflavones. These compounds increase the production of serotonin, a brain chemical that influences the body's sleep-wake cycle. Adults who ate two or more soy servings a day slept longer and reported the best-quality sleep, according to a 2015 Nutrition Journal study.

由豆類製成的食品,例如豆腐、味噌和毛豆,富含異黃酮。這些化合物增加了血清素的製造,這種腦化學物質,會影響身體的睡眠覺醒週期。根據2015的營養 Journal study,每天吃兩個或以上大豆的成年人睡得更久,並据報告,睡眠品質最好

3. Fiber-Rich Foods(含豊富纖維質的食物)
Blueberry Almond Chia Pudding
食譜嘗試: 藍莓杏仁加布丁
Eating more fiber could be key for better sleep. Eating fiber was associated with more restorative slow-wave sleep—the more you eat, the better you sleep—per a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Fiber prevents blood sugar surges that may lower melatonin. Get a fiber boost from beans, artichokes, bran cereal and quinoa.

吃更多的纖維可能是更好睡眠的關鍵。依據在臨床睡眠醫學雜誌上發表的一項研究表示, 進食纖維與恢復性慢波睡眠有關,你吃得越多,睡得越好。纖維能防止血糖飆升, 降低褪黑激素從豆類、洋薊、麩皮麥片和藜麥中獲得纖維的增強。

4. Fish (魚肉)
Roast Salmon with Chimmichurri Sauce
Recipe to Try: 
食譜嘗試: Roast Salmon with Chimmichurri Sauce Chimichurri 汁烤鮭魚
Most fish—and especially salmon, halibut and tuna—boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness), according to an article published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
根據紐約科學院紀事雜誌刊載的一篇文章,大多數的魚--尤其是鮭魚、大比目魚和金槍魚--都富含維他命 B6,這些是製造褪黑激素所必需的 (它是一種由黑暗催發的誘發睡眠的荷爾蒙)

5. Tart Cherry Juice-抗氧化物櫻桃汁
Tart Cherry Juice
In a small study, melatonin-rich tart cherry juice was shown to aid sleep. When adults with chronic insomnia drank a cup of tart cherry juice twice a day they experienced some relief in the severity of their insomnia. It is an answer to pain, swelling, and sleeplessness.
在一項小的研究中,富含褪黑素的酸櫻桃汁,被證明可以幫助睡眠。當患有慢性失眠症的成年人,每天兩次喝一杯酸櫻桃汁,使他們在失眠的嚴重程度上,經歷了一些緩解。這是一個解決疼痛, 腫脹和失眠的良方。

6. Yogurt(優酪乳)
Ricotta & Yogurt Parfait
Recipe to Try:  Ricotta & Yogurt Parfait
Dairy products like yogurt and milk boast healthy doses of calcium—and there's research that suggests being calcium-deficient may make it difficult to fall asleep.

7. Whole Grains (全穀物)
Pistachio-Crusted Chicken with Warm Barley Salad
Recipe to Try: 食譜嘗試
Bulgur, barley and other whole grains are rich in magnesium—and consuming too little magnesium may make it harder to stay asleep, reported the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.

8. Kalea(甘藍類疏菜)
Sauteed Broccoli & Kale with Toasted Garlic Butter
食譜嘗試: 炒花椰菜和與烤大蒜黃油的芥蘭
Dairy products are well-known calcium-rich foods. But green leafy vegetables, such as kale and collards, also boast healthy doses of calcium. And research suggests that being calcium deficient may make it difficult to fall asleep.
乳製品是眾所周知含鈣豐富的食品。但綠葉蔬菜,如介藍和甘藍, 也擁有有益健康的鈣量。研究表明,「缺鈣」可能使人難以入睡。

9. Bananas (香蕉)
Almond Butter & Banana Protein Smoothie
Bananas, well-known for being rich in potassium, are also a good source of Vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness), according to an article published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

香蕉眾所周知,富含鉀,維生素 B6也十分豊富。這是製造褪黑激素所必需的。根據一篇文章發表在紐約科學院紀事稱,它是一種由黑暗催發的誘發睡眠的荷爾蒙。

以上水果餐食乃藉食物的輔助睡眠療法,但並非治療失眠症之良方。失眠,英文叫sleeplessness, 學名叫insomnia,其英文註解為abnormal inability to sleep (失去睡眠的畸形能力) ,易言之,能吃、能喝、能睡才算正常。導致失眠原因很多,如暴飲暴食、情緒不佳、或生病等原因。偶而情形不必介意,若屬長期症狀,而成慢性疾病(chronic disease),則宜請教醫師治療。

Your Health! 祝君健康!
Justin Lai 編譯


