The True History of the Orient Express
Spies used it as a secret weapon. A president tumbled from it. Hitler
wanted it destroyed. Just what made this train so intriguing? 間諜利用它作祕密武器。有一位總統從火車上掉下。希特勒想毀滅它。到底什麼事使它變得如此詭異?
在當時旅行仍然是粗糙和危險時,東方快車所展示的是,一個以豪華和舒適著稱的旅行-包括臥舖和餐車。在1883年6月5日 第一列東方快車離開巴黎到達維也納。直到1883年10月4日,維也納仍然是終站。列車在1891年正式更名為東方快車。
豪華內部裝璜 餐車一角
In its
heyday, the train duly earned another nickname: “Spies’ Express.”
Continent-hopping secret agents loved the train, writes Cookridge, since
it simply “made their jobs so much easier and their travels much more
comfortable.” One of the most remarkable of these agents was an Englishman named
Robert Baden-Powell, who posed as a lepidopterist collecting samples in the
Balkans. His intricate sketches of the forms and colors of butterfly wings were
actually coded representations of the fortifications he spotted along the
Dalmatian Coast, which served as great aids to the British and Italian navies
during World War I.
在全盛時期,這列火車獲得了另一個綽號:『間諜快車』。Cookridge 寫道,在歐陸活躍的秘密特工喜歡這個火車, 因為它「使他們的工作更容易,他們的旅行更舒適」。其中最著名的特工是一位英國人,名叫羅伯特-巴登-鮑威爾, 他是鱗翅類專家,在巴爾幹半岛收集樣本。他描繪的蝴蝶翅膀的形狀和顏色錯綜複雜的草圖,實際上是他在沿達爾馬提亞海岸發現的防禦工事,而發出的密碼代號,在第一次大戰期間,此事對英國和義大利海軍的情報有巨大的幫助。
Though the
two World Wars severely limited Orient Express service, a single car played a
fascinating symbolic role in both. On November 11, 1918, German officers signed
a surrender document in an Allied commander’s Wagons-Lits car, which
he used as a mobile conference room. The French proudly exhibited the car in
Paris until June 1940, when Hitler ordered that it be hauled to the precise
spot where the Germans had been forced to surrender 22 years before; there he
dictated the terms of French surrender. Four years later, when Hitler’s loss
seemed imminent, he ordered that the car be blown up, lest it “become a trophy of the
Allies once more.”
儘管兩次世界大戰嚴重限制了東方快車的服務,但在大戰中,一部單一車廂擔任了迷人的象徵性角色。在 1918年11月11日, 德國軍官們在一輛某聯軍指揮官的小車-Lits 上,簽署了一份投降文件,他使用此車作為一個流動會議室。後來法國人自豪地在巴黎展示這輛車直到 1940年6月戰争爆發為止。 當時希特勒下令將其拖到德國人,22年前被迫投降的精確地點;在那裡他口述了法國應該投降的條款(報仇心態?)。四年後,當希特勒的敗象似乎迫在眉睫時,他下令將汽車炸毀,以免 「再次成為盟軍的戰利品」。
A True Original (一件真實的原作)
What remains
of the Orient Express? The pedigree of the train became rather complicated in
later years, as Nagelmackers’s original line spawned similar ones
following slightly different routes, and as other providers began to use the
phrase “Orient Express” for promotional purposes. The Direct Orient Express,
the Simplon Orient Express (the train Poirot rode), the Nostalgic
Orient Express and many others have existed over the years. One descendant of
the original Orient Express became rather shabby, crowded and cheap—a
disillusioned journalist called it a “roving tenement.” Today’s Venice-Simplon Orient Express aims for the opulence of the original,
and for the right price, a person can still go for a ride in its restored
original Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits cars.
東方快車的遺跡是什麼?後來若干年,火車的譜系後代演變在晚年變得相當複雜,因為創始人Nagelmackers 的原始的路線,在少許不同的路線之後產生了相似的線。並且其他供應商開始使用《東方快車》的用語作為促銷目的。其中有直達東方快車,Simplon 東方快車 (波洛乘坐過), 懷鄉東方快車和許多其他已經存在多年的車線。原始東方快車的一個後代車種,後來鄉變得相當簡陋、擁擠和廉價--一個對此希望幻滅的記者稱之為 「流動公寓」。今天的威尼斯-Simplon 東方快車,其目的是追求原來的豪華, 而且以適當的票價,使一位乗客仍然能夠搭乗,已恢復舊貌的昔日的國際旅行公司的火車車廂-Lits。
But attempts
to maintain the old glamour of the Orient Express have largely fallen into self-parody—promoters
of the line have encouraged patrons to dress in 1920s garb, and even once
staged a murder mystery game during a journey. Writing in 1976 for the Los
Angeles Times, one reporter meets a tired and cranky contessa who
says, on the trip’s last leg, “If there are going to be any murders on this
train, it will be the Turk that wakes me up at 5 a.m.”
versions of the Orient Express are a far cry from the original
that Cookridge lovingly and nostalgically portrays: “Kings and
crooks, millionaires and refugees, big-game hunters and smugglers, prima donnas
and courtesans traveled on it; tycoons and financiers clinched their deals
across its sumptuous dining tables; diplomats, spies, and revolutionaries on
board the train moved secretively to their moments of history.” The era of such
intrigue and excitement aboard the Orient Express is over. But in a world that
becomes more connected every day—and one in which there is no shortage of
luxury travel—much of Nagelmackers’s vision lives on.
The Orient
Express became the train of choice for Europe’s wealthy and high-born, a
rolling symbol of the economic disparities of its age. “Peasants in
half-a-dozen countries would pause in their work in the fields and gape at the
glittering cars and the supercilious faces behind the windows,”
writes Cookridge. It came to be called “the King of Trains and the Train
of Kings.”
東方快車當時成為了歐洲富人和出身高貴者的首選列車,是那個時代經濟差距的滾動象徵。「在列車所經過的五六個國家的農地裡幹活的農民們,會目瞪口呆地看著,閃閃發亮的車廂和窗內目空一切的許多張面孔," Cookridge 寫道。它终被稱為 「火車之王和國王列車」。
為什麼火車東行最遠才到近東的土耳其,也叫『東方列車』? 也許這是當時發明者的構想,將應延伸到遠東,可惜兩次大戰下來,是否因歐洲經濟受到重創而未能如願?
另外,上文未提到建造施工工程的艱辛,包括造橋、鑿洞應有盡有? 隨著150年後的今天,火車、鐵軌、相關設備、施工技術等應已進步許多。當然創新(novelty) 的確重要,近一個半世紀之前有那麽豪華,又適舒的長途旅行,真是了不起。二次戰後日本新幹線的發明,其快捷與舒服曾享譽世界數十年。但如今據傳中國高鐵的便捷已凌駕日本? 兩者孰優孰劣?當然親臨者方能做明確比較,但重要的一點是乘客的身分、地位、氣質、文化水平及個人修養。

惟近幾年來中國確已建造了許多高速鉄路,包含已完工的京藏路(北京-拉薩) 及北京到新疆的路線(北京-烏魯木齊)等,其中含有翻山越嶺高難度的鐵軌鋪設以及特殊的車廂設計等。大體上陸上建路之困難多已克服,惟遇海將如何? 從前東方列車到達黑海或歐陸大西洋岸擬到倫敦時,需靠航渡接駁。但現在已有海底隧道代替輪渡。據非正式有趣的傳聞,老共有個構想,將開鑿三條海底隧道,以連接福建和台灣,其中最近的一條是到新竹(約一百三十幾公里長)。當然若台灣人沒有『異議』,從新竹到福建,再接京閩線(北京-福州) 即可直達北京。諸位,這個構想若實現,可以把台灣和大陸連接,但請問這條新線屆時將如何命名? 台北線 (台灣-北京)? 或新北線(新竹-北京)? 哈! 哈!
Justin Lai 編譯