悼念亡友 許文正兄
To the Dear Departed- Wen Cheng Hsu (a.k.a. Victor

故 許文正先生遺照
生: 11/04/1940 歿:04/28/2017
(享壽76, 虛歲78)
嘉中校友(1959) ,台大外文系畢業(1963) ,嘉中英文教師,JAL(日航) 台北分公司高級職員,台灣及巴西兩地拆船工業先驅之一,後經營國際鋼鐵業買賣生意。
2016年9月,賴政孝同學來美度假,突生意外, 受重傷住院,經本人告知後,汝十分熱心地在令千金Liyun,陪同下,親住史丹福大學醫院,前後探視政孝,共達『五次』之多。每次探視後,汝必向余彙報其復原狀况。汝如此作為,一方面固因同窗之誼,另一方面,則因汝受余之託。縱然政孝家屬對余之熱心與關懷,毫不領情,然汝對同學和朋友之情卻遠勝『兄弟』之親情,也令人感動。
惟頃聞汝家人提及,返美後汝突患「直腸惡疾」,然短短數十日,竟以此疾之手術併發症而殞汝生乎,恐尚難令人相信,抑別有疾而至斯極乎? 吾等同學仍覺茫然。
直至2017年7月7日,據可靠消息得知,吾兄確已於本年四月下旬『離開人間』。但未何整整遲了兩個月之久? 嗚呼!『汝病吾不知時,汝歿吾不知日』,何足堪稱「同窗、好友」乎?
嗚呼!『言有窮而情不可終』,汝其知也? 余『生而無法見汝最後一面,歿不得親瞻遺容』,嗚呼哀哉! 尚饗!
文正吾兄,一路好走! 上帝和你同在,佛陀向汝招手。
謹向 許大嫂暨其他 許府大小致上無限關懷,並請節哀!
陽賴正雄-阿賴 (Justin Lai)
P.S. 以下另附英文翻譯,以符全球校友之需要
《悼念亡友 許文正兄》:
To the Dear Departed- Wen Cheng Hsu (a.k.a. Victor
Born: 11/04/1940
Deceased:04/28/2017 (享壽76, 虛歲78)
Death Place: Oregon, U.S.A.
Survived by: wife, two children & three
Reg. # at Waiwenxi, Taita (台大學號):
Expertise: language
proficiency in English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Amoy, etc., and business
until July 7, 2017 -two months after your passing could I hear of your death. I
feel so fearful and indescribably shocked.
have known each other on high school campus for decades since 1953. In 1959 we
were simultaneously admitted to Waiwenxi, Taita. There were then 7 people of us-alumni of same
high school, including羅正展、范板雄、賴國雄、陳吉雄、賴政孝、and myself. Some fellow
classmates in Taita nicknamed us “The Gang of Chiayi” though we were not gangs
at all. Sometimes, we were even much
divided in our thinking.
college campus we studied and lived together, at same dorm-9th Boys’
Dorm, at Kee-lung Road, Taipei. In the same room. You, Sam Lu (呂學周), and I lived
consecutively for three years. Then 王葆生moved in, joining us for two years.
graduation from Taita, you, 國雄、板雄與本人,all four of us returned to our Alma Mater- Chiayihi High school to
serve as English teachers. However, a few years later you gave up the teaching
job, going to Taipei to search for a higher position. Time for meeting with each of us became
less…. Finally you and your family left for Brazil for even higher positions in
the field of shipyards. In the US we had
a valuable chance of telephone conversation once in 2000 though we did not
actually see each other in person. And then one day you dropped in on me in
Chiayi. It was such a really pleasurable encounter after a long time of
separation that I invited you to have a long chat at a small welcome dinner,
with the company of some other classmates we both knew.
2010, I moved from L.A. to Seattle, and you happened to visit your son in
Portland, Oregon. It meant we were closer than before. Ever since then, we kept corresponding by
telephone once a month, paying best regards to each other. I told you jokingly,
“We talk once a month. We may talk for a dozen times a year. And then our ‘life span’ would supposedly thus be lessened for one year. We both laughed, realizing its ‘delicate but wise’ implication.
meet each other face to face, we agreed to choose an ideal place located in the
mid-way between Portland and Seattle. Luckily, your son helped us to find a
good location. However, the appointment had to be canceled because I had caught
a bad cold a few days previously. So far
I have thought it most regrettable.
September, 2016, one of our classmates, Eugene Lai
came from Taiwan to the US for vacation and had a serious accident, lost
consciousness, and was hospitalized for a few months. On being told by me, for yourself and instead
of me, you went to the hospital, accompanied by your ‘helpful’ daughter,Lyun
for as long as “FIVE” times.
After each visit, you would immediately keep me updated about Eugene
Lai’s condition. Even though Eugene’s family were totally unappreciative about
my concern, your love and concern for a classmate is way above ‘brotherhood & affection’ of real
brothers. Your benevolent and gracious
act did win classmates’ respect and appreciation.
the end of 2016, you were in Brazil, informing me that you were scheduled to be
back to America in February, 2017. As
expected, you called me in Feb. 2017 from Portland, telling me you were already
in USA. We both longed to plan a reunion
to see each other. You kindly proposed to meet in Orange County in southern
California. Because one of our best
friend and classmate, 劉吉棠 and your brother-in-law both are both living there. Who could
possibly predict that such a proposal and plan for a small reunion should fail to come true?
months ago, or May, 2017, I had a hunch that something must have gone wrong for
I had not heard from you since early March of 2017. As usual, I called you, and
you were certain to call me back or even initiatively and actively called me.
were recently informed that you suddenly contracted “Colon Cancer” after
coming back to America. But how could this illness deprive you of your life in
dozens of days? It is hardly believable. And some of classmates are still confused
that there might have been some other illnesses than this oncological problems.
did not get the confirmation that you are
really gone until the day before yesterday- 07/07/2017. Alas! How
regretful I am for not having had least idea of when you were ill, and when
you should have passed away! I am immensely ashamed of being called a ‘good classmate and bosom friend
of yours’.
body was cremated, and ashes of your remains were sprayed and or thrown into
the Pacific. You have been a person who calls a spade a spade. No tomb stone,
no urns, no epitaph, nothing, whatsoever. But, to be sure, you left behind a
lasting memory of how nice and kind you were.
“Speech is limited; our good feelings for you are
boundless” Hopefully, you are aware of this. Nevertheless, it is my deep regret that I
failed to see you before you departed from us for good, and took a good
look at your face when you breathed your last. Alas!
Victor, have a nice trip! God be with thee!
we present condolences from the bottom of our hearts to the bereft family of
the Hsus?
Lai 賴正雄-(阿賴)
Southern California, USA