2020年9月21日 星期一



What is the Month, September derived from?

1)     September is the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month: it is the ninth month and has nine letters.


2)     The Anglo Saxons called September Cerst Monah (Barley month) or Haefest Month (harvest Month) celebrating the barley harvest. 



3)     September is the worst month for share prices which on average lose one per cent of their value.


4)     September (from the Latin septem), seven) was the seventh month of the old Roman calendar.

九月是起源自拉丁文- septem它是羅馬月曆的七個月。

5)     One day in September, about the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at 1972 Olympics, is the only film with September in the title to win an Oscar.


6)     In 1752, September, September had only 19 days in the UK. The 3rd-13th were omitted in the change from Julian to Gregorian calendar.

在英國 1752年的九月只有19天。從裘利安日曆法,改為Gregorian日曆法時,3號至13號,共11天都省去了。

7)     Until Julius Caesar’s calendar reform of 45BC, September had only 29 days.


8)     “My favorite poem is the one that starts ‘Thirty days hath September because it actually tells you something”(Groucho Marx)


美國著名喜劇演員- Groucho Marx説:我喜歡的詩歌是以30天開始,像九月那樣,因為它真正告訴你重要的事。

9)     On an average September day more babies are born in the US than on a day in any other month.


10)  In the UK, September 26 is the most common birthday for people born in the last 20 years.


The perfect representation of fall, the aster is officially September’s birth flower, as a symbol of powerful love, it is also the 20th wedding anniversary flower. It is difficult not to fall in love with these beautiful fall blooms.




September birthstone (九月份的寶石代表)Blue Sapphire(藍寶石)

In ancient Greece, royals were convinced that blue sapphires protected their own owners from even and harm.  During the middle ages, people thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings. Others instilled sapphires with the power to guard chastity. Make peace between enemies , influence spirits and reveal the secrets of oracles.



Justin Lai


