2017年12月25日 星期一


You and I ....你我明年更幸福!

「you and I」的圖片搜尋結果

How Can You "SM_LE" Without "I" ? (我們微笑在一起)

How Can You Be "F_NE" Without "I" ? (我們好玩在一起)

How Can You "W_SH" Without "I" ? (我們祈願在一起)

How Can You Be "N_CE" Without "I" ? (我們美好在一起)

How Can You Be a "FR_END" Without "I" ?(妳我友誼長存)


「you and I」的圖片搜尋結果你我天長地久!!

So "I" Am Very Important! (我的重要性不容忽視)

But How Can I Achieve "S_CCESS" Without "U" ? (我俩共同成功)

How Can I "LA_GH" Without 'U'? (我們共同歡笑)

How Can I Drink A "C_P" of Tea or Coffee Without "U"? (我俩共飲咖啡)

How Can I Enjoy The "S_NSHINE" Without "U"? (我俩共浴陽光)

And That Makes "U" More Important Than "I"! (你的重要性亦不容忽視)

U and I work together to achieve great things..˙ (我俩共創大業)

Thanks for being there for me throughout the YEAR 2017. Hope we continue in 2018.


「you and I」的圖片搜尋結果

Happy Holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 

BEST WISHES for a more prosperous & abundant 2018 !

Justin Lai  12/25/2017

