The Plan Taiwan Needs to Defend against China- by J. Michael Cole
編按:1946年台灣遭到228事件之浩劫時,美國一駐台官員(GeorgeKerr)講了一句話,『台灣太小無法獨立,但台灣問題則大到不可忽視』(Taiwan is too small to be independent; the Taiwan’s issue is too big to be ignored.)下列為外國記者客觀的、嚴峻的台海情勢。當大部分台灣人天天沈溺於舒適生活當中時,應該停下來思考這個問題,俗話說,『天有不測風雲』。另本文在網路上登在不起眼的國際新聞上,如果你關心台灣事務,希望引起你的注意:
J. Michael Cole is a Taipei-based senior non-resident fellow with the University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute and an associate researcher with the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC). He recently retired from the Thinking Taiwan Foundation and is a former analyst with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). He has a master’s degree from the Royal Military College of Canada.
Domestically, Taiwan will have to intensify its counterintelligence and law-enforcement measures to detect pro-Beijing elements, from Chinese “dual-use” companies engaged in legitimate and extracurricular activities to triad organizations that have ties with the Chinese apparatus. While legal expressions of one’s political views does not constitute an infraction and should be countenanced in democracy, such permissiveness should not allow for illegal activities that are meant to undermine Taiwan’s democratic institutions or endanger the safety of its citizens.
Other Issues(其他重要問題)
Lastly, Taiwan must continue to adjust salaries, training and its structure to achieve the objective of creating an all-volunteer force, a struggling program launched by Tsai’s predecessor whose implementation has once again been delayed by another year. Recruitment campaigns must be adjusted to meet current realities in Taiwan and appeal to the right candidates. Much greater emphasis must be placed on recruiting female soldiers, who are just as capable as men to defend their country in a high-tech environment. A public diplomacy strategy must also be implemented, along with major reforms, to counter the view that a career in the armed forces is disgraceful or a dead end. MND will also have to take a closer look at the physical condition of its soldiers and make the necessary adjustments to ensure their health.
Finally, the training of reserve forces, which would play a crucial role during an amphibious assault by the PLA, must improve and be more regular so as to ensure readiness; local police stations could also be stocked with firearms, kept well under lock, which could be distributed to a properly trained “civil guard” in case of a national emergency.
最後,在解放軍發動兩棲攻擊時,將扮演至關重要的角色的後備部隊的培養,必須改良,並變成更為正式,以確保待命工作; 地方警察派出所也應配備槍支武器,這些武器須好好保管,在國家緊急時,並可以分發給受過適當訓練的"民防部隊"使用。
Given the alarm caused by Chinese assertiveness in recent years, added to the possibility that Beijing may adopt a more threatening posture vis-à-vis Taipei, it should not be too difficult for the Tsai administration to appeal to the patriotism of its citizens to create a readier force.
Ultimately, Taiwan’s security will be contingent on the Tsai administration’s ability to reassure Beijing and the international community while answering to her people’s democratic aspirations. Doing so will require statesmanship, creativity and a high degree of coordination among the different agencies in Taiwan, from the National Security Council to the Mainland Affairs Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to MND—coordination that has been found to be lacking in the past. President Tsai will also need to consolidate her base as much as possible to avoid fighting “rear battles” with the KMT and/or civil society that could distract her from the challenge of countering Beijing’s ambitions regarding Taiwan.
1) 本編將論及對付中國兩棲攻台最有效的防衛方法之一,即台灣 『自己建造潛艇』,因美國拒絕出售(台灣有錢無底買?) 但由誰負責此事? 由前空軍出身的將領-馮世寬擔任。馮已71歲高齢了,又是空軍背景能勝任造船任務? 馮可靠嗎(reliability)? 又民進黨堅決造船工作由從未具潛艇製造經驗的中船承造,為什麼,一艘潛艇造價預估為一仟億元台幣,再加追加費用,可能超過許多,(預算追加乃台灣承包工程之『慣例』;常見包商之理由之一:物資波動或設計變更,當然這是國外承包商少有的現象!!) 。台灣這種 『土法大鍊鋼式』的製造潛艇法,不無風險。除了技術(know-how) 外,要有經驗、敬業精神(dedication),更重要的是清白、不A、不貪(integrity) ,你認為呢? 另外台灣軍隊管理鬆弛十分可怕,如2016/07/01士兵誤射雄風飛彈事件,是極嚴重的疏失,從國防部長到各級主管難辭其咎。
2) 作者立場客觀,語重心長,純為一片好意。可惜台灣島內仍缺少同心的共識,如何凝聚此憂患意識,才是抵抗共軍最有效的武器。尤其台灣軍心渙散,軍紀不嚴,為誰而戰目標不明確,執政者恐下一番大功夫,才能導國家於正途。
3) 一部分統派人士(pro-China) ,意圖分散台灣國力,如不有効遏止,可能事倍功半。言論自由應與不抵觸國家利益為前提,台灣政府應明訂法律,釐出叛國罪與言論自由的分際。民主政治的成就得來不易,但無法律約束的民主無法持續。
4) 鍳之國共抗争史,似乎人們較多同情共產黨,因他們出身比較貧窮,但今天情況不同。不過現居台灣的親共人士,仍自欺欺人,秉持『中華民國』存在的事實,其實這就是另類『台獨』,也是中共無法接受的! 但若多數台灣人主張默默停用『中華民國』,則親共人士就開始口誅筆伐,並與隔岸唱和。
5) 習近平最近在共黨95周年紀念大會中,歷聲指責台灣人存有『分裂主義』,實在可笑。試問中華人民共和國,何時統治過台灣? 台灣何時向中國繳過稅? 中國何時出面保護過台灣? 台灣漁民受日本、菲律賓欺侮時,何以中國從未表達立場,護台聲音,從未聽見?中、台任何隸屬關係,中方也絲毫未表明。另蒙古國(Outer Mongolia)確實在1949年大陸主權易主後才公然脱離中國版圖,但中共迄未吭聲,因為是蘇聯老大哥的意思。朝鮮原為中國屬地,二次戰後,由美蘇兩國分南北佔領,中國同樣無聲無息。江澤民主政時代,更無恥地奉送蘇俄,原屬中國烏蘇里江以東,黑龍江以北(原鮮卑人住地-北魏孝文帝-拓跋珪之祖先) 340多萬平方公里之土地,約台灣一百十倍大。似乎對外不平等條约的廢除,不包括蘇俄?中國可以乖順地讓給蘇俄大片土地,而台灣雖僅僅3萬6仟平方公里之彈丸之地,中國卻百般進逼,不奪取不罷休,WHY? 又戰後,美國佔領琉球,(但於1970年代歸還日本)不佔台灣,而交由國民政府佔領管理。這就是國際社會迄今只承認台灣這個海島地理位置之事實,而不承認中華民國為一個政治實體(political entity)之原因吧。
6) 看來台灣人只有「恨命莫怨天」了。
Justin Lai 寫於美國